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Can a person have a debate with a Trumpster? From my experiences to that question the answer is “no”. For the most part I try to remember that but every once in a while I mess up and try. Whether it is on my blog or on any of the social media platforms I use I learned a long time ago to not get into arguments with a Trump supporter because they just quote the already debunked conservative talking points. In most cases they don’t even look at what I have researched and written about. In some cases, their in your face stupidity just shines through, in other cases you know you are talking to smart people that for whatever reason they don’t want to look for the truth. Those are the people I will have trouble looking at in the same way ever again.  Not that they really care what I think of them because I am sure most don’t.  Some of them were people I really kind of idolized and thought they were some of the smartest people in the room. What saddens me the most is where I thought there was more love in the world, which love would overcome, as I was taught in Sunday School as a child has proven to be a myth?

I had a friend of Facebook that posted a meme that said “You have to be some kind of stupid to argue you need immunity when you did nothing wrong”. The poster of the meme got into a back and forth with a “True believer of Trump”. They went back and forth with my friend posting facts as the Trumpster posting all this rubbish and conspiracy crap. I posted to my friend he should know better than to argue with someone that drank that the “Kool Aid”. Then the Trumpster went after me, asking me to please explain my understanding of the O’Biden’s open borders, wars, hate, and division that he has set up. As I read that the first thing he did was insult the President and any Irish Trump supporter at the same time. The second thing, he asked questions he really didn’t want an answer for.  Because anything I said he wouldn’t have believed nor, anything that I wrote. Another thing was each topic was larger than anything I would want to put on Facebook. Our border is a huge topic that would take writing a whole article just to begin to understand it because it has been an ongoing problem.  Our border debate has been going on most of my life and I am 70. I also know that it is a problem the legislative branch of the government has to solve. It is Congress’ job to create and pass the laws through debate and compromise and it is the President’s job to approve or veto those laws. Congress telling Biden to write an Executive Order is in reality Congress refusing to do their job and then blaming Biden for Congress not doing their job. As far as war, well I didn’t know that we were at war. Blaming Biden for the hate and division we have in America, I just find it a sad attack on our President so this man can justify his hate.

That evening I was invited to dinner at a friend’s condo because his brother who is also an old friend of my wife’s family was visiting. During dinner the old friend of my wife’s family began talking about how unfairly Trump was being treated and how he couldn’t get a fair trial in New York. He kept on saying that it was a victimless crime. Then he ripped into the Black Lives Matter Protesters and how they broke the law with no accountability. He then stated that the Insurrection was just a riot and should be treated as such. I was very disappointed he was taking the approach that he was. I agree with him that Trump would have a hard time getting a fair trial in New York but I disagree with the fact that it was a victimless crime. It was a crime and it was as victimless a crime as many other crimes because there is always at least one victim and in the case of Trump the law was the victim. Trump broke the law. Was he fined too much money? I don’t know. I personally would have rather had Trump never be allowed to do business in the State of New York. New York laws were the victim and there has to be accountability. As far as his saying that the Black Lives Matter protester that broke the law went unpunished he is just plain wrong. I found an Associated Press article that as of 2021 there were 300 cases pending for the riot and that 120 had already pleaded guilty to violating various Federal Crimes and that 70 had already been sentenced with the average sentence of 27 months and some as high as five years and that I believe is just in Washington DC. To say that there was no accountability by the Black Lives Rioters you are very much uninformed and very much a racist. Kent Greenfield, a Professor at Boston Law School, was quoted in the article with saying “The property damage or accusations of arson and looting from last year, those were serious and they were dealt with seriously but they weren’t an attack on the very core Constitutional processes that we rely on in a democracy, nor were they an attack on the United States Congress”. That was always the difference to me. They insurrectionists were trying to stop Congress from performing their Constitutional duty. There should have been accountability right away and for the people that were duped into believing the big lie there was. The problem was that our justice department didn’t hold the tellers of the lie that incited the insurrection accountable. In my opinion, they should have gone after Trump and his co conspirators first. Our problem was the Justice Department. First there was Bar with his famous memo that you couldn’t indict a sitting President which I am pretty sure is not in the Constitution and then you had the Biden Department of Justice that I feel has been very lacking. If our Democracy truly falls some of the blame will have to fall on the Biden Administration for their inactivity.

Next time I will just keep my mouth shut and my typing fingers still. You just can’t argue with a Trump supporter.





  1. The “Victims” in Trump’s NY Fraud (Civil Lawsuit - Judge Engeron) are the Citizens of New York…they were denied the public tax monies Trump evaded.


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