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This is my continued search on whether Trump has the Character to be President. A person I know stated “His character matters bc it is in the character I believe he has the leadership, knowledge, wisdom, experience, compassion, integrity that will lead us on the path towards a more safe, secure, healthy, prosperous, free world than the direction we are headed.” My last blog looked at his character as integrity from a legal standpoint before he even was elected President. From a legal standpoint there is no way I would have thought he had the integrity to be President. Now I will look at some of his Moral Integrity and Compassion that should be there from the man that sits in the White House. 

I have to say something about Donald Trump, he sure is a believer in the institution of marriage. He likes marriage so much that he has said “I do” three times. What his problem with marriage is the actual vow that he has to take. You know that love, honor, and cherish until death do us part. If I can get this right, Trump was having an affair behind the back of Ivana, wife number one with the woman that would eventually become wife number two Marla Maples. He was married to wife number two for four years when they announced that they were divorcing. A year later he met and started dating Melania who he married in 2005. So that sums up his three marriages which I believe is the most for any President in our history. There have been a number of Presidents that have been married twice. All but one of them were married twice because their first wife died. Only one was divorced and that was Ronald Reagan. Reagan's divorce was not his fault and I thought that it was a move forward that the nation could look beyond that. Trump being married 3 times and twice divorced is territory where the country had never gone before. It seems to me that the nation that talks alot about family values was now just talking about them but no longer believes in them. 

Now Trump has always been preoccupied with being surrounded by beautiful women. It was reported that at one time he tried to talk Playboy magazine into doing a spread of women who worked for him. “He even tried to get Playboy to do a spread called the “Girls of Trump” wooing his most shapely staffers including a former beauty queen secretary into posing for the magazine with a sliding scale of offers on everything from full nude to breast to wet-lip shots,” Wayne Barrett wrote in his 1991 book “Trump, The Greatest Show on Earth:The Deals, The Downfall, The Reinvention”, and reported in Business Insider May 2024. I am a news freak so why is this the first time I am seeing this? It might have been reported before the 2016 election but it must have not made very many headlines before the 2016 election. The fact that he wanted to have his employees pose nude for Playboy should have been a huge deal. This is a man trying exploit women for his own fame. 

There have been numerous reports that Trump had affairs while Melania was pregnant or at home taking care of their newborn son Baron. One is with porn star Stormy Daniels and another was with Playboy Playmate Karen McDougle. McDougle was silenced by the National Enquirer who bought exclusive rights to her story then never published it. That is called “Killing a Story”. Trump was convicted of 34 felony accounts for election interference for using campaign funds to pay off Stormy Daniels. A jury found Trump guilty. Trump can complain about the Judge and the District Attorney but they didn’t convict him, a jury did. That is how our judicial system is supposed to work. It wasn’t a witch hunt. The evidence was presented to a Grand Jury who determined a crime more than likely committed and that charges should be filed. This was not a rush to justice, it was a long drawn out process to make sure that real justice is achieved. It was based on the evidence presented to the jury. 

Since the 1970s, at least 26 women have publicly accused Trump of rape, kissing, and groping  without consent, looking under women’s skirts, and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants. Trump of course denied all of the allegations even though he bragged about the Miss Teenage Pageant on the Howard Stern Show. Trump was caught on tape bragging to Billy Bush how he could “grab women by the pussy”. That is bragging about sexual assault. He said that it was just “locker room” talk. I have been in a few locker rooms and I have never heard a person talk like that. Here are some of the complaints against Trump: 

Ivana Trump: She stated in a deposition taken in 1990, during their divorce proceedings, that Donald had visited her plastic surgeon following which he had expressed anger and ripped out hair from her scalp. Trump denied the allegations. The book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald Trump written in 1993 described the alleged attack as a “violent assault” during which Donald attacked Ivana sexually. 

Jill Harth: She stated that Trump assaulted her several times. Harth has Stated in December 1992 while dining with Trump he attempted to put his hands between her legs. At Mar-a-Lago in January of 1993 while Trump was giving her a tour he pushed her into Ivanka’s room and pushed her against the wall. She stated that his hands were all over her and that he was kissing as she desperately protested. She eventually managed to run out of the room. She eventually settled out of court for what was called business issues. 

Katie Johnson/Jane Doe: An anonymous woman using the pseudonym “Kate Johnson” filed a lawsuit in California accusing both Trump and Jeffrey Epstein of forcibly raping her when she was 13 years old at underage sex parties at Epstein’s Manhattan residence in 1994. The law suite was eventually pulled because of threats to the woman. 

E. Jean Carrol: Writer Carroll in June 2019 came forward and claimed  Trump had raped her in 1995. In November of 2019 she filed a lawsuit against Trump accusing him of defamation by claiming she lied about him raping her claiming that Trump’s reaction has directly harmed her career and reputation. . Carroll said she was filing the lawsuit on behalf of each woman who has faced harassment, assault, or belittlement. There was a trial and a unanimous jury found Trump guilty and awarded Carroll 5 million dollars. Trump being Trump couldn’t keep his mouth shut and continued to attack her verbally every chance he got. She sued him again and got another 82 million dollars. A counter suit was filed by Trump but is was dismissed by the judge who wrote that Carroll’s accusation of rape is substantially true. 

Now there are so many more I could write a whole book. I can go on but you can get the drift - Trump would be considered by some as a sexual predator. 

I have to admit that some of our Presidents have not been saints. Bill Clinton is a notorious womanizer and he was impeached for lying to Congress about one of his many transgressions. It has long been rumored that John F. Kennedy had a few flings in his lifetime most notably with Marilyn Monroe.  Another, it had been rumored, was Franklin Roosevelt. Eisenhower was rumored to have a mistress in England during the War. But Trump by far is the biggest womanizer that has ever stepped foot in the White House. There isn’t even a close second. 

Now, when it comes to compassion I think the man actually has zero. He was the President during the start of the Covid pandemic. Never once did I hear him make any plea about people keeping their neighbors safe. A simple thing like a mask could have saved many lives but never once did I hear him say anything about keeping the person next to you safe. I have heart disease. I had to be very careful and I was surprised how few cared about my well being Including my President. My welfare was not their problem. That folks is not what I would call compassion.  I didn’t see where he mourned for the many that died from Covid. A compassionate man does not call our fallen veterans suckers and losers. A compassionate man would call them heroes. A compassionate man does not send a mob to the Capitol and then not send help to back up those brave Capitol Police. There were like 130 injured policemen. I never heard Trump utter a word asking if they were ok or even praising them for doing their job.

When it comes to moral Character and Compassion I would have to rate Trump as not deserving of the office of the Presidency. I question how anyone can. 




  1. How about a deep dive into Kamala Harris

    1. She'll come off FAR BETTER than the twice-impeached criminally seditious traitor and RAPIST, and lifelong fraudster sociopath, since she used to put his kind of unrepentant criminal AWAY.

  2. Good luck with that. She’s served ‘We the People’ most of her adult life, even though she could have gone into private practice and made a fortune.

    1. I will be posting it tomorrow. Hope you read it.

    2. She is a multi millionaire working in public service. Most obtained during her underpaid positions. There is a lot of money in public service if you choose to serve yourself instead of the people.

    3. Proof ? None?

      As usual.

      Do some legitimate research instead of just throwing shit to see what sticks.

  3. Good content but too long. Twitter became & remains popular because author had to post succinct msg

  4. Name one great leader who had all of the desired characteristics from the Bible or otherwise. You will find none. What they do outside of their leadership position from king david to Clinton and Obama they all have had failures in their personal lives. Name one that did not. I challenge you!!!

    1. Obama did not have "failures in his personal life" btw. And I'm sure there are others. Trump has no moral character. None. He's also a blithering idiot and narcissist. He has no redeaming qualities. Trump is unfit in every way.


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