Anyone can comment on my blog, but I always hope the comments are civil and well thought out. I am also on various social media outlets. The comments on one of those outlets got so bad that I restricted it to people I follow. It is very rare to have a civil political conversation with people because most of the time it just isn’t based on the truth. Too many times, people try to kidnap the conversation just to push their own agenda of racism, bigotry, and hate. It is really hard to have a conversation with a person who tries to use logic to justify their racism, bigotry, and hate. My last blog was about the executive orders Trump had written on his first day of office. I got a response that I found very interesting. This anonymous poster wrote, “Are we looking at stupidity or something even more sinister, sabotage on behalf of the Deep State?” I don’t have any idea what the guy is talking about. Was he insinuating that I was part of the “Deep State”? I had to look up what the D...
Not a Democrat or Republican. Not Liberal and not Conservative. I am an Independent American: Follow me on Bluesky, I-Could-Be-Wrong, Written by David Pederson