Anyone can comment on my blog, but I always hope the
comments are civil and well thought out. I am also on various social media
outlets. The comments on one of those outlets got so bad that I restricted it
to people I follow. It is very rare to have a civil political conversation with
people because most of the time it just isn’t based on the truth. Too many times,
people try to kidnap the conversation just to push their own agenda of racism,
bigotry, and hate. It is really hard to have a conversation with a person who tries
to use logic to justify their racism, bigotry, and hate.
My last blog was about the executive orders Trump had written
on his first day of office. I got a response that I found very interesting.
This anonymous poster wrote, “Are we looking at stupidity or something even
more sinister, sabotage on behalf of the Deep State?” I don’t have any idea
what the guy is talking about. Was he insinuating that I was part of the “Deep
State”? I had to look up what the Deep State was and try to figure out what I
was supposedly part of. I read my news and search for the truth. Is that what
the Deep State is? People who search for the truth? I thought that was being “Woke”.
Does being “Woke” make you part of the “Deep State”? I search for the truth by
reading my news, I am “Woke” and I try to write the truth so I know that I am
in the minority. Does that make me part of the “Deep State”? I thought there
was a lot of deep, dark money financing the “Deep State” but I am writing for free,
not making a dime. If there is all this dark money paying for the “Deep State”
why is it not coming my way?
Is DEI part of the “Deep State”? Diversity is what is all around
us. The American people are a diverse group of people so in reality Diversity can’t
be part of the Deep State, can it? You go to the mall on any given day you see
we are a very diverse country. I was just a Costco and I saw Whites, Blacks,
Hispanics, and many other nationalities all shopping at the same store. When I
go to Walmart I see the same thing. Our Diversity is just a fact that is all
around us. What is the opposite of Diversity? That would be Segregation, Bigotry,
and Racism to name a few. Apartheid is also the opposite of diversity. Is
trying to make Diversity part of some Deep State problem just a different way
to promote Segregation, Bigoty, and Racism? It sure looks like that to me. To
me, it is an attempt to create an American version of apartheid. When you have
one race of people who feel their dumbest is superior to another race's
smartest you in reality are living a lie.
The E in DEI stands for Equity. Equity states for fairness
and justice, fair compensation, and substantive equality. Equity includes a
focus on social disparities between groups that have historically been at a
disadvantage. That doesn’t sound that bad to me. Doesn’t sound like something
of a Deep State thing. I will never understand how one group of people thinks
they deserve more than another. I wasn’t a believer that welfare is a good
thing but equity is not about giving a person anything. It is about them being
able to prove they can do a job. I have worked for a few unqualified people in
my day. That is just a fact of life. It wasn’t because of DEI; it was more
because of nepotism than anything else. Unqualified people were put into a position
because they knew someone or had done someone a favor. I think we are seeing more
nepotism and things like that than an employer wanting a good equity program. Maybe
we would have more qualified people in Cabinet positions if we judged people through
equity instead of nepotism. I don’t think a program that goes all the way back
to JFK could be part of the Deep State.
Inclusion, could that be part of the Deep State? The first time
I was introduced to the philosophy of inclusion was when my wife was working
with the Developmentally Disabled. Her job was to transition clients out of the
long-term residential facilities into their home communities. Another big push was
to have the Developmentally Disabled students included in the classroom giving them
as normal of a life as possible. I believe treating these young disabled students
as equals in the classroom, to try and fulfill their potential is just as important
as anyone else. Many of those people who were at one time hidden away can contribute
to society just like you and me. I know that there have always been those who
have opposed inclusion but to me, inclusion has always been about people being able
to pursue the same dreams and have the same rights as everyone else
After looking into the Deep State I have decided that it is
just a big lie to scare adults just like the boogie man was meant to scare
children. It is meant to make you believe that your privilege is under attack
by inferior people. To have a real Deep State you would need to have a great
deal of money and have the ability to control a great deal of information. That
would not be anyone in the Democratic Party. The only people I know who have
that kind of money and power were sitting in the front row at Trump's inauguration.
Nazis were not big on Inclusion, Equity, or Diversity but
they used fear to make sure it didn’t happen. You could say that they built
concentration camps to fight DEI. The Developmentally Disabled were taken from their
home and killed. Many minorities were taken to the camps and then killed. They controlled the media and they demonized entire
races and social groups of people with their control of the media. Over 6
million died and not by some secret deep state. It was because of Racism, Bigotry,
and Hate. Does that sound familiar?
For the first time in my adult life I am afraid of my own government and cult of hatred in people. With the Federal Freeze illegally just imposed there are going to consequences, real everyday ones. The Democratic party needs to let them swim in their own crap, let the Republican politicians get own vial of hurt and public outcry they deserve. Americans need to wake up, we can do so much better. We need a leader, but its going to take the entire village to change anything.