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Most everyone has seen that interview of the Trump supporter wearing a mask and being asked if he is pro life. He is asked why he is not wearing a mask and he says personal choice. I found interesting like a lot of people that a mask was a personal choice but pro choice was not. Masked save lives. My wearing a mask may not save my life from someone not wearing a mask but my wearing a mask will save someone from me if I have Covid 19. It is all about caring about the person next to you and wanting to conquer this virus. Trump says that people can get covid wearing a mask and he is right. But if both people are wearing a mask the odds of it spreading is greatly reduced. It is that simple.

We cannot go back and correct all the mistakes that occurred in February but we have to stop repeating them. I read a story about 2 hairdressers in Missouri that both had covid. They both wore masks and the 140 customers wore masks and not a single customer came down with covid. Read that story from the website. To me that is pretty compelling evidence that wearing a mask works. Too many things were not being communicated to us by all sorts of agencies. One of the people that really failed us was our President. Yes, I know that the Democrats were running around screaming “Fire, Fire”. That did not mean our President should have been saying “ no”,  there isn’t a fire. He would have rather denied the virus was a problem instead of saying, “yes, there is a problem lets keeps cool head and work together on this”. That is what a real leader would have done. Because we did not have real leadership too many people have died. He is still not saying everyone should be wearing a mask.

I feel for small businesses during this crisis. I know that they need help. I also know that playing politics with this thing and not being honest with the American people has not helped them. We have to stop saying those damn republicans or those damn democrats. That attitude is just making it worse. I often wonder if everyone had worn a mask starting in March. How many businesses would be better off now? If we would have all been able to wear masks not a single Barber Shop or Beauty Shop would have had to close. Malls probably could have stayed open as most stores. Only if we would have been told and started wearing masks. With masks and proper sanitizing most shops could have stayed open.  Our government should not have to tell us that we have to wear a mask. We should not have to be told to do the right thing. We should not have to be told to social distance. We as a nation should be doing everything we can to defeat this virus and we should be doing everything to protect our most vulnerable. It should not be acceptable for people to die so a small business can run. They too must adapt to keep their customers safe and the government, Local, State and Federal should be helping them adapt.

Now, I just goggled what would happen if a person intentionally infected someone with HIV by not disclosing  they had HIV beforehand, that it a class B Felony. Why are we treating people that are intentionally going out in public when they know they are infected any different? Oh wait, I already know that answer.



  1. I am not sure how I came across your blog but I feel like you are spelling out everything I've been saying for more than a decade now but am not as focused to actually write down. I am almost 99% sure our upbringing and life experiences have very little in common so I could not attribute our similar mindsets to that...but I read every one of your posts within 30 minutes and I wish I could express myself as well as you have and maybe people will stop and listen and hopefully begin using their brains to form some real daily life concerning thoughts and opinions.


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