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Black Lives Matter.

Now that the election is over it seems that the Black Lives Matter movement has taken a back seat to Trump and his claim of voter fraud and the virus. Trump is incensed that there has to be voter fraud for him to lose which looks like a big temper tantrum. The virus is of course running out of control and with no real leadership it will continue until the vaccine is administered to most of the general public. Even then it will not be gone completely because there will be a lot of idiots out there that will refuse the vaccine. The reason I bring up both voter fraud and the virus is that both have a huge effect on Black lives.

The virus has hit hard at the Black population. Many of the Black workers are working in low paying jobs that are considered essential. Housekeeping, Grocery Clerks, Hospitality Services and other low paying jobs. These are jobs, more than likely, do not allow them to work from home. Because of their low income they have also have not had adequate healthcare so they have a lot of preexisting conditions which put them at higher risk such as heart disease and diabetes. They have two things going against them. They are physically in a job that will get them infected and because of preexisting condition they are more likely to have a serious outcome. If we, as a country, would have had a better healthcare system before the virus hit maybe a lot of the outcomes would have been different. Black lives are not just being taken by guns. Systematic racism kills may more than guns do every year.

I also cannot help but think that voter fraud is just a way of suppressing the Black Lives Matter vote. I don’t seem to see anyone going after areas that Republicans won. Only areas that they lost. I would think that if there really was voter fraud in this election it would not be with the group that has the lowest means to fix an election. It is usually the people with money that have the means to fix elections. Not to start another conspiracy theory but it is almost like the money people did try to fix the election and still lost and that is why they are shouting this voter fraud stuff. Republican have worked hard to suppress the vote whether it be by gerrymandering, making it harder to register to vote, reducing the number of polling places or even taking away the number of mail boxes. These entire things are meant to hurt minority voting.  We should all want is far elections were everyone’s voice is heard and were everyone’s vote counts. If a Republicans win then that is great and if a Democrat wins then that is great too as long as it is fair and just.

 We talk about the will of the people and I do believe that Black lives do matter to the majority because all lives matter. I say that all Black lives matter and you correct me with all live matter then you really don’t believe that Black Lives matter. Until you can say Black Lives matter all lives will never matter.



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