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It has almost been a year that the world has been battling the pandemic. Yes it is a world problem. This is not a Democratic hoax that the rest of world would conspire with the Democratic Party to bring down the Trump administration. People are out there are really getting sick and really dying and not enough is being done to prevent the disease. What really scares me is that there are people out there that don’t care. As long as they can go to the bar and have their beer or go to church on Sunday so they can pretend that they are religious they could care less if some unknown person to them dies. If someone with a preexisting condition die it’s oh well they had a preexisting condition and that is what killed them. It wouldn’t matter that the person may have been able to live a few more years with that preexisting condition.  This is not a right or left problem it is a life or death problem. We are in one of the worst weeks of the virus yet and we have a government official in the Trump administration running around trying to insight domestic terrorism.  This man is not a son of liberty. He is a bringer of chaos and yes death. What does this have to do about liberty? What does this have to do with no taxation without representation? Nothing! Your neighbor has a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We should be working hard that everyone a year from now can pursue life liberty and happiness.

In Florida our Governor seems to be working at misinformation more than the Trump administration did. He fires his data expert, the person who actually created the data base for tracking the data. His solution appears to be hiding the numbers. How can people make sound decisions without sound data? This is just nuts. He has now hired an Uber driver and a part time sports blogger from out of state to bea Covid-19 Data Analyst. He isn’t an expert of any kind. His name is Kyle Lamb. Look him up and decide whether you want him to make decisions that could affect not only your life but the lives of your children and grandchildren. I wouldn’t! I will say again “this is nuts”.  The lack of information from our Governor is putting peoples live at risk. I don’t think that they have a clue how many people have died down here. At this point the only way they are going to find out a close number is by comparing other year’s data and calculating the spike in deaths. This is not a good look for the State of Florida.

I have stated before if you vote for people that think government is bad then what you will get is bad government. Government cannot solve all of problems but they should not be making things worse. I believe that a large portion of our government tried to put the economy in front of people’s lives. The problem with that is that I feel over the long haul you do more damage to both. In my opinion they have not done near enough to help the small community businesses. They gave everyone 1200 dollars to spend to prop up the economy weather we you needed the money or not but stopped way short of really helping the little guy. These business owners are caught between a rock and a hard place. In some cases they open and run the risk of their cliental getting sick or having to shutter the doors. What is the answer? I don’t know but I would think that this is what our Governor should be working on and not trying to hide the numbers.

We are now approaching the number of US soldiers that died during World War 2. We were in that war for 4 years and we have been fighting this virus for less than one. During World War 2 we, as a nation, sacrificed for the good of the war and for the good of our soldiers. Gas rationing, meat rationing and things like that. Our government states that we are at war with this virus. Now we have groups that can’t sacrifice anything for this “war effort”.  They won’t even wear a mask that will save lives.

To walk a straight line you need both your right and your left working together if not then you will spend a lot of time falling down and right now we are spending a lot of time on the ground.

People care about your neighbor and at least wear a mask.


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