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Rewriting History

There has been a lot said now a day about rewriting history. In fact Trump who probably never read a history book in his life has tried to make himself out to be the protector of history. The funny thing about history is that during the short term the victors get to spin it the way they want but over time the historians will get it right. That is why history is always changing and being rewritten. Our knowledge of the events in history grows and changes as we learn more about our past.

A lot has been said about the rewriting the history of the South and the Civil War. Over 150 years since the war has ended and we are now seeing people talk about how offensive the symbols of the Old South are to Black Americans. Why did it take over 150 years to recognize that the Confederacy's Battle Flag was a symbol of hate? Was the reason because the leaders at the time wanted to make reunification easier?  Was it just easier appeased than to punish? If they would have punished the so called Confederate war hero’s would it have made reunification harder? Probably, and after 4 years of war I think that is just what the country wanted. They wanted to move on as best they could. As I said in the first paragraph the victors get to spin victory the way they want it. In time they will begin to make corrections about the way history is written,

 It is popular to say that the Civil War was fought over State rights. That statement is correct but is an over simplification of the situation at the time. How it should read is that the War was fought over the States right to own SLAVES. By adding the right to own slaves makes the statement much more accurate. Another one is that the South was fighting for their economic system. That is also a true statement but again an over simplification of the situation at that time. The South was mainly a one crop agricultural system. That crop was cotton which was very labor intensive. Here again, slaves. So let’s just say that they were fighting for an economic system based on slavery. Now seeing that they were fighting for slavery does that kind of taint the legacy of the so called heroes of the south? They divided and rebelled for the right to own another human being. Not just any human being, Black human beings. Not Irish, Jewish or Swedish, but Black. That war and that system is the root cause for the White Supremacy that we have today. Over time history has started to get it right and through research and discussion it will continue to evolve.

Now we have another situation today that is a little similar. We have a President and a political party that has been working very hard to divide this country and destroy our Constitution. The people have voted and our president is just trying to get the election thrown out even though the DOJ has found no evidence of fraud that would overturn the election. His own head of Cyber Security stated that the election was one of the most secure elections ever. Of course he just fires people that don’t say what he wants them to say. The truth be damned. Our President was impeached and the Republican controlled Senate acquitted him without even calling one witness. That is what I call a Kangaroo Court not a court that is searching for the truth.  We disserved the truth from the Russian inference to the Ukrainian deal. President Joe Biden has taken an approach similar to what was taken after the Civil War. He wants to move on and heal the country and the truth is damned.

 In 150 years from now the recording of Trump saying he could grab women by the pussy will still exist. The recording of him going back stage to see the contestants in various stages of undress at the Miss Teenage pageant were there were minors will still exist. All those recording and videos of all those terrible things he said about his critics will still exist. All the lies he has said to the American People will still exist.  No one will be exempt from what history will report including the First Lady and the first family.

So again it will be up to the historians to get this right. Wish I could see what they will write. Let’s hope it doesn’t take 150 years or more to get the truth.


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