Today’s Patriot
What a joke Patriotism has become in this country. People have died protecting our freedoms we just make a joke out of it by associating freedom to not wear a mask. This is a joke. I am not free if I have to wear a mask that will protect yourself and your neighbor? Really? That is an infringement on your freedom? So all those soldiers fought and died overseas so you don’t have to wear a mask? More people are dying each day from the virus than were killed on 9/11. In less than one week more people die of the virus than were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. I would think that Patriots would be fighting this virus instead of fighting people who just want to save lives.
Now a real Patriot should be appalled by what is happening with today’s politics. Our revolution was fought so we could have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We were being taxed by the British Government and what we wanted was representation in that Government. “No Taxation Without Representation”. We were denied representation and we rebelled. We won our Independence and formed a government based on representation. The People elected their representatives. People’s right to choose who represents us is the foundation of our Government. When you have gerrymandering like they do in Wisconsin that creates a lack of representation in our Government, why are not the true Patriots protesting that? Representative government is what we fought our revolution for. Minority rule was not what those Patriots fought all those years ago. If you have to engage in voter suppression you do not deserve to win and do a disservice to all those that have died protecting our most precious right.
Because of voter suppression we are no longer the freest country in the world. In fact with everything going on we are probably not in the top ten. We have a Department of Justice that found no evidence of voter fraud. The head of our Cyber Security stated that this was our most secure election. But we have a President and a lot of Republicans saying that this election was stolen. We have White Supremists whose leader is a foreigner running around with guns protesting a fair election. What we really have is a group of people that want a Fascist government. That is what a one party system is, Fascism.
There are a number of things that could save this country. One is for the Church to call for an end to all forms of discrimination and that includes the discrimination against women. If you haven’t noticed, a lot of our so called Christians are in favor of a fascist state. This is not the first time the church has turned a blind eye to fascism. Not all Christians are fascists but fascism has always relied on religion. The State Supreme Courts and our Supreme Court needs to stop playing politics with our right to vote and start protecting it. When the rich have a larger voice than the poor then we need the Supreme Court to step in and make sure every voice is heard equally. Gerrymandering has to go. We also need to get money out of politics so that our politicians actually represent the people. Lobbying is just a form of bribery. We need that out of the election process and the politicians that are accepting bribes should be kicked out.
We really do need real Patriots to stand up and protect this country.
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