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Believe it or not I have always been a law and order type of guy. Today I fear that law in order to some of us is oppression.  There is a huge difference between law and order and oppression. People that protest are law abiding citizens. Even if they are screaming things that you find offensive they are still law abiding citizens. Colin Kaepernick when he kneeled during the National Anthem was a law abiding citizen. Our right to protest is guaranteed in the Constitution. The police should be protecting the protesters. The oppression of legal protestors so our president can have a photo op is wrong and I think there should have been people arrested for that. You cannot have law and order if some are above the law.  The right to loot and burn is not being a law abiding citizen and those people should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It is that simple. What clouds the issue is when the law is not applied evenly.

Now, I am all for legal immigration. I am not in favor of illegal immigration. We should be welcoming people that want to experience the American Dream. We should be welcoming people that are seeking refuge from oppression no matter what their color is. Jesus’ family had to seek asylum in Egypt under fear of harm from King Herod. Why a Christian would question someone coming here looking for a better life is beyond me. Now as far as illegal immigration goes I always think of the word illegal. Because the problem has gone virtually unchecked by both sides of the aisle we have a huge mess that is going to be very hard to solve. We have to have both parties come up with a workable plan to stop illegal immigration and what to do with the people that are here some that have children that are US Citizens. Does a child not have the right to their father or their mother? I would like a reply from my Christian and pro family friends on that one. When most of the illegal immigrants come in through legal ports of entry building a wall is not the answer. It is just a monument to bigotry. Now we would not have near as big of a problem with illegal immigration if it was not for the demand of the rich and powerful thirst for cheap labor. Even the great champion of illegal immigration Donald Trump’s corporation hired illegal cheap labor. As in most cases if you want to find the root to a problem just follow the money. If you go after the slavers instead of the slaves a lot to the problem of illegal immigration would go away. The problem is that the law is not applied evenly. We don’t go after the slavers because they have the money.

Now Law and Order cannot be address without talking about the storming of the Capital. To compare them to the rioters taking advantage of the Black Lives Matters Movement is like comparing a jaywalker to a murderer. These rioters are criminals and should be prosecuted; the police that beat rioters and journalists should be prosecuted. Now the people who stormed the capital were trying to overthrow our government and put a fascist regime in its place. Now I know you can say that that comment is a little over the top. If you really stop and think it really isn’t. There were people that wanted to KILL our Vice President. There were people that wanted to KILL the Speaker of the House. If they had gotten through lord knows what would have happened to this country. Every single person that entered the Capital should be held accountable and punished to the full extent of the law. The people that sent them should be held accountable and punished to the full extent of the law.  The people that financed it should be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Who is financing these groups?  I would bet that there is a group of very rich billionaires that were to gain an awful lot by Trump staying in power.

We need law and order but it must start at the top of our Government. Not one person or political party should be above the law. 


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