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Covid 19 has really exposed just how bad our healthcare system really is. How unprepared we were as a nation to take on a pandemic like this. Before it is over it will probably claim more than three quarter of a million people and we are lucky it could have been much worse. Our Federal Government was very ineffective to downright dishonest when it came to the virus. Luckily we had officials that tried to take the virus head on and they are the ones that have saved countless number of lives. Governors from both parties stepped up to try to combat the virus while our President lied and said it would just go away. The resistance that these Governors have met, mostly from the Republican Party and the far right, is just been appalling. Just the simple thing like wearing a mask has been met with a great amount of resistance. And the Church has been in the forefront of that resistance. As strange as it sounds the many in the church has aligned themselves with racist, white suppremists and insurrectionists. I know that sounds harsh, maybe too harsh, but the root of the problem is just plain money. Money before people is why these efforts have met so much resistance.

I feel for the local small business owner. They are the backbone of every community in the country. Because of the pandemic many have not survived and many more will probably close before this is over. My wife and I have tried to support local restaurants by doing carryout and eating at places that have expanded their outdoor seating. We try and reward places that I feel are looking out for the well being of their customers. Now the government has done very little to help the little guy. The big guys yes the little guy no. That my folks is called corporate socialism. People have gotten very rich off the pandemic. We had one business owner get money to help his business and he bought a 700,000 dollar boat instead. Now the little guy restaurant owner operator is in fear of closing and this guy is ripping us off and buying a boat. Billionaires are getting richer and sorry guys it is not tricking down to the little guys. It is just making the little guy smaller.

 I don’t know if the Democrats ideas are the right ones but at least I see them trying to do something. I really do not agree with just giving everyone money but I do think that people and business that really need help should be helped. If they give everyone money we will just go out and spend it and it will eventually trickle up to the billionaires. It really does not help the little guy enough. One thing that I do know is that when it was Republicans turn at the plate to make a real difference they just held the bat on their shoulders and went down just looking. They never even took a swing, they just did nothing. People seem to be ignoring the fact that the do nothing Senate and the White House was controlled by the Republicans and some people have lost everything including their lives because of it. They had a opportunity to plan and did nothing. They are still doing nothing.

We really do need both sides of the aisle to tackle this problem but I am still seeing too much partisan politics slowing the whole process down.  




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