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Freedom, what is Freedom? I know what freedom was to our forefathers. It was the freedom to form our own government. As I have stated before that is what they fought for. Our Constitution is the result of that fight.  Pretty much every public official swears an oath to that Constitution. Someone has to show me were their freedom is being violated because of this election. Someone has to show me were their freedoms that are given by the Constitution are being taken away from you because of this election.

Many people think that their freedom of speech is under attack. I will agree that the freedom of the press is under attack but my freedom of speech? Here I am writing a blog, expressing my opinion in a way that people could not have imagined 100 years ago. I use Twitter and Facebook to express my opinion and to share things in my life. Now I know that there are rules to their use. It is their platform, and to use it I have to agree to their rules. I know that people say that is censorship but if you wrote something offensive to the“ Voice of the People” in your local paper they wouldn’t print it. Is that censorship? We have more ways to use our free speech today than when the Constitution was written.

I know that people think that their 2nd amendment rights are under attack. Well here is our 2nd amendment.  A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. Now that is one of the most twisted of all the Amendments. It is not being used as it was intended and it wasn’t intended for a bunch of waco’s to be running around terrorizing private citizens. It was for the State Governments to be able to call for a militia when they were needed. Today we have the National Guard. The results of this amendment being perverted to what it is today.  When there is a school mass shooting gun sales seem to sky rocket which just makes the problem worse. There actually may be more guns in this country than people. We need the Supreme Court to come up with a common sense ruling of this problem that we have with guns today.

Now many people believe that their right to equal justice is being infringed. Now this I agree with. Our justice system is no longer a search for the truth, it is more like a sporting event were winning is more important than right or wrong. It is driven by money. There is not equal justice between the classes. Let’s face it, bigotry and racism are alive and well in our judicial system.

I know a lot of people think our freedom of expression is under attack. Here again I look at Twitter and Facebook and all the other social media and wonder why people would think that? We have more ways to express ourselves than at any point in history. You must also remember as you express yourself other people have the same right to criticize you for it. They are all using the same platforms. If you are going to be putting yourself out there you have to be willing to own the results. Twice I have been put in Facebook Jail for my blog. I serve my sentence and then keep typing away.

Now people say their freedom of religion is under attack. Now I don’t understand that one at all.  Are we talking Christianity, Islam, and Judaism? How about Hindu or Buddhist? There are a lot of religions in this country and they are all free to worship in their own way. We also have the right to practice no religion. Now we do not have an official government sanctioned religion so I don’t mind that there are Christmas decorations on public property as long as all religions can have their decorations on public property. Since we don’t have an official government religion that is only fair. Most people do not have a problem with people showing their religion in public as long as it is done in a non-intrusive manor.  Also when I am at your house and you want to give thanks for the meal I will bow my head politely and sit is silence till you are done. Now if you are in my house and you want to give thanks for your meal go ahead. Just do it silently and show me the same respect I showed you.



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