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January 6th a day that will live in infamy. Well, that may be a little strong but it is a day that will go down in history just like 9/11, Pearl Harbor and Kennedy and Lincoln’s assassination. This was a terrorist attack meant to over throw our U. S. Government. It is a horrible historic act that will go down in history as such.

Patriotism is a word that you hear thrown around a lot. I know one person’s terrorist in another person’s freedom fighter. Now Patriots in 1776 fought for our freedom. But what was that freedom. Well I think that they wanted the freedom to form their own government after Britain denied them representation in theirs. They rebelled, wrote a declaration of independence and the after they won their freedom from Britain they were free to form their own government. That is the freedom that they fought and died for. They formed the governments by Drafting and Ratifying The Constitution of the United States. All Presidents, Congressmen, Senators, all Military and Police swore an oath to that Constitution. Our Freedoms as a nation comes from that document, your individual freedoms come from the Bill of Rights of that Constitution. Now I need someone tell me how their freedom was violated with the election of Joe Biden for President.

I know a lot of people have questioned how people have voted. Voting by mail has really come under attack. I really can’t understand that. In 2016 Donald Trump voted by mail. Hundreds of thousands of people in Florida vote by mail. I did not hear one complaint about that. So let’s see, it’s ok by to vote by mail if you vote for Trump but not ok if you vote for someone else. That folks has nothing to do with Freedom. That is call voter suppression. Now I looked and Article 1 section 4 of the Constitution and I don’t see where anyone’s rights were violated. Take a look yourself.

I have looked and tried to learn a little bit about the Electoral College and I am no constitutional expert but how I see it works is that the people elect the electors and the electors of the party that won then cast them. I don’t have a much of a problem with it as some people. It helps so big states do not totally dominate the smaller states. I see no problem with how the Electoral College was done yesterday.

People voted and more people voted for Biden. He won the popular vote and the Electoral College. A record number of people voted, that is not a problem that is a great. We should make it easier for people to vote not harder. Voter suppression is still a problem in this country. Our problem is not dead people voting. Our problem is making it harder for people to vote.

I saw a post yesterday from a Trump supported that Freedom lost and Socialism won. I would like everyone to Google the freest countries in the world you will see that the freest countries are much more socialist than what the United States is. According to the World Atlas at Norway, Sweden and Finland are tied for number one. We are not even in the top 10. People have to stop spreading lies and saying that you can’t have socialism and freedom is a lie.

Our Country, Flag and Constitution were disgraced yesterday. Our flag has been turned into a symbol of hate and our Constitution has just been discarded. Do you realize that the insurgents tried to take the flag down from the capital and replace is with a Trump Flag?  I am appalled that there are people that are defending that bastard. Stop calling yourself Patriots.


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