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Our Capital was breached for the first time since the war of 1812. Most of the country is shaking its head in disbelief. The majority want Trump removed from office. What is amazing is a few of the law and order Republicans don’t. They say it will divide the country more. More? How can we be divided more? A mob of insurrectionist stormed the Capital and wanted to do harm to the Vice President and the Speaker of the House and probably any elected official that they could find. The motto for these people was “America First” when in reality it had nothing to do with America First. It was about White Supremacy and Fascism period, nothing more. The people that are not condemning the attack and not wanting to remove Trump are some of the same people that call Blacks the N word, Asian people gooks and Jew, kikes in the back rooms where they will not be seen and heard. People are saying “this not what we are”. Well, this is what a lot of people really are. Republicans courted these people. I leaned Republican and when I saw they would not separate themselves with these racists I slowly separated myself from the Republicans. The last Republican I voted for was John McCain against Bush and Tommy Thompson for Governor. I do not feel bad about voting for a Patriot like John McCain but I wish I could take every vote I gave for Tommy back but it doesn’t work that way. We are responsable for who we vote for. For a lot of you if you want to know who is responsible for this mess you only have to look in the mirror.

A person who I believed was a young lady responded on Facebook to my last blog. Her name was Erin and she looked young maybe never a mother with young children. She stated we needed a full blown insurrection to save this county. I wish people like Erin would read Children During the Holocaust at It talks about the atrocities done against Children by fascists. Here is another site to read about the harm that is done to children.  There are thousands of pages you can look at on how war and rebellion has affected women and children.  All over the world women and children are the victims of mob rebellion and violence. People can say it can never happen here. Well, I never believed that our Capital would be stormed by insurrectionist because their person lost a fair election. I would never have believed the believed that people would want to replace our democracy for fascism. Don’t say it couldn’t happen here. For the sake of our children I hope is never happens here.

Now I will be the first one to want to see political reform. We have to get money out of our governments. The money is what corrupts too many politicians. McCain and Feingold both knew this but not enough was done and too many politicians resisted. Too many do not want to serve you. Too many want the money. You want transparency in governments and elections then they must show us who they are accepting bribes from. Yes, campaign contributions are bribes. You do not give a person money and not expect something in return. Folks we are being played by billionaires. You have to decide if you side with the billionaires that want to be in control of your destiny or you want to be truly free to elect people that really will look out for you and this great Country.

Now as I said the other day no one’s freedom was taken away because Joe Biden was elected President. Our Fore Fathers fought for the freedom to form their own government. What they came up with is the Constitution of the United States. It is not a perfect document but it is one that works. They want  you to vote for your elected officials. That is the Freedom that they fought for and that is the Freedom that they passed onto all of us.


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