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We now have a new President. Because I am retired I got to watch the Inauguration live for the first time in my life. It was sad because of the pandemic and the insurrection we could not have more pageantry. It is too bad that because one President had to take his ball and go home like an angry child I did not get to see the peaceful transfer of power that is supposed to happen. I was a huge fan of George H W Bush and when he handed the power off to Clinton he showed the world not only what a class act he was but what a great nation we were.  

The last four years have been very bad for our worldly image slowly, we are losing the moral high ground we had in the international community.  But let’s be honest, that image began going downhill before Trump. The infighting and downright nastiness between the two parties the Republicans and Democrats really began long before Obama.

Because of all the social platforms it has been made more difficult to know what the truth is. Well that is not a true statement. Because of all the social platforms it has been easier to spread false information and sell it as the truth. We also at our finger tips one of the most powerful tools for figuring out what the truth is and that is the machine I am typing on right now. The same machine that can spread lies you can also use to learn the truth.  I saw a posting that said we had the best stock market ever and it was all because of Trump. I typed in the question the President with the best stock market record and got a lot of hits with actual facts and numbers. This was one of many sites that I found that answered that very question.. If more people looked for the truth there would be a lot less hate. Our problem is that too many people are just too lazy to search for the truth or too hateful to even want to search for it. Maybe they prefer the lie because it justifies their bigotry. I was one of those lazy people and then a liberal friend of mine called me out for posting something bad about Congress that wasn’t true and I will be thankful to him forever. Thanks Joe,  you taught me to do my research.

Now I think that I have an advantage over some people. Being an Independent voter I look at a situation and not have to worry about party affiliation. I don’t have to justify my party putting children into cages. I don’t have to try and justify an Insurrection. I don’t have to justify sex in the Oval Office. It is much easier to take the high road when you don’t have to justify someone else’s bad behavior. We as Americans have to start demanding that our politian’s start taking the high road over party politics. We have to demand from them loyalty to the United States of America instead of the Republican or Democratic Parties. We have to demand that they take their oath of office seriously. That oath must be more than words they say when they take office. People tried to over through a branch of our Government and I do not see a lot of outrage from enough of the Republican Party. They took an oath to defend and protect the constitution and they failed. As I have stated in past articles, because of our digital age what we say and what images we project may just last forever. Those images and videos of the insurrection and all the rhetoric that lead up to it will last forever.  There is going to be a hard time hiding from history.

It always saddens me when I see friends and relatives spewing the false information and hate on social media. Do your research.


  1. I have been trying to compose something like this for a very long time.
    Thank you.


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