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What is a Conservative? That is the question that I have been asking myself for quite a while. I understand what a liberal is a little bit because of our fore fathers. They were some Very liberal young men that were very forward thinking. Some were liberal, middle age thinking men that were forward thinkers. Some were what you would consider liberal senior citizens of their time but still forward thinking. They believed in representative government and came up with a Constitution like no other on the face of the Earth at the time. Part of that Constitution was the Bill of Rights. It was written so all men had the same rights. Poor or rich, they were the same. It has been expanded through amendments to include not only all men but also all women. It has been expanded through amendments to include all races no matter what the color of your skin is or, your religion. An Atheist, a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim or any other religion has the same rights. It is not a Christian document, it is a document for everyone no matter what your beliefs are.

Now what is a Conservative? A Conservative at the time of the revolution was probably a Tory. Not wanting change. They wanted to be beholding to a King that would not give them a voice in their own government. Some were just plain loyal to their King.  Some afraid of the repercussions to their businesses if they were not part of the great empire? Not a proud time in our history when many were persecuted and some even hanged. Rebellions are lawless times and our revolution was not exempt from that. When it was over and we won our freedom to form our own government and we came up with something that had never been tried before, The Constitution of the United States of America. We wanted Truth and Justice. Amazingly they gave the Tories the same rights as the Patriots. Now that is what I call fair play.

Now back to what is a Conservative. Now the last four years I have seen families separated and children put is cages in the name of immigration reform. Now, I am all for immigration reform but putting children in cages is not what I call immigration reform. Separating families is not what I call immigration reform. So is being a conservative being anti-family if they are not White? The wall is a monument to racism that can be climbed over or gone under. 

 I think our country should be secure from foreign invasion. People used the events of 9/11 as a basis of our current immigration reform but the truth is if you look up the nationality of all of the 9/11 terrorist you will find that not a single one of them snuck across our southern border. They all came through legal ports of entry. People from those counties can still enter this country legally. It will never be the solution to the problem of illegal immigration in fact it may just a smoke screen so that the problem never really gets fixed. There are too many Millionaires and Billionaires making money off those illegal immigrants. Always follow the money. We should be concentrating on the Slavers not the Slaves. So I ask is being a conservative do you have to be a racist?

Now I hear the word fiscally conservative a lot. I don’t even know what that means either. I use to but not anymore. Tax cuts to the rich so we can increase the deficient. That does not sound very fiscally conservative to me. That just sound like bad economic practices. If you look at the results for the last 40 years the Clinton administration was probably one of the most fiscally conservative administrations and he actually balanced the budget.  You can not be a fiscally conservation when you spend money like a drunken sailor when you are in office and then blame the other guy when you are not in office. That my friends is just being dishonest. Too many of our politicians are just plan dishonest and we let them get away with it.

How does Religion and a conservative mix. I know the abortion angle even though Jesus never said anything about abortion.  And yes, abortion did exist in Jesus’ time. He did talk about suffering children yet conservatives seem to condone the separation of families and putting children in cages. Jesus was not only a healer of souls but also of bodies yet conservatives appose Healthcare reform. He walked with the poor and down trodden yet it seems that conservatives  cater to the rich and label the poor as dirty and lazy.

I have watched the impeachment proceedings in Congress and cannot believe the number of conservatives that are ok with the insurrection and defending the ring leader of it all. So let’s see, Is being an insurrectionist a conservative value?  Biden was voted in by the people and these so called conservatives wanted to cheat by suppressing people’s vote during a pandemic. If you look at the congressional districts and how they are drawn in the State of Wisconsin you will see that they were drawn to enhance minority rule. So is being a conservative about voter suppression and winning by cheating?

The conservative party was a party without even a political platform this year. Their platform was whatever Trump said Period. So I don’t even know what they stand for. Look at the Eisenhower Platform 1956 and then look at the Republican platform from 2020. You will see that the US has not gone more left it has definitely has gone more right. Maybe some of you should stop calling yourself conservative and just start calling yourself fascists.

I do not write this to piss people off. I write this in hope that people will start thinking. Good Republicans please bring back the party of Eisenhower. The party of my father. 




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