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As I stated yesterday I do get a lot of comments to my post. Most of them are on Facebook.  I am going to continue with the reply I got from Rhonda of Indiana. All these criticize what Biden has done in the short time he has been in office.

She next stated “Stopped the travel ban from countries that supported terrorism”.  Of the seven counties that Trump banded not a single one had a citizen that participated in the 9/11 attacks. Of the 19 men that participated 15 were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from the United Arab Emirates, 1 from Lebanon, and 1 from Egypt. I will ask, has his list really made us safer or, is it a list that’s only meaning was to appease all the Islamic Phobia that was running around at the time? I want real security and the only way to get that is to let the C. I. A, the F. B. I., and all those other agencies whose job it is to keep us safe do their job and believe them over the likes of Putin.

Next she said “Hide illegal alien crimes from public scrutiny”. Now I googled that statement and I do not see a real news site say that though there are some off the wall sites that do. Now, Biden has halted a lot of the deportation that was occurring under the past administration but that is not hiding crimes from public scrutiny. I am sure if an illegal alien robs a bank in Indiana Biden’s team does not come in and scoop them away. Yes we need immigration reform. Bush failed, Obama failed and Trump failed. We need reform to come from Congress that is fair and not bigoted.

Next she said “Gave Bureaucrats in the Executive Branch the right to install or reinstall regulations without scrutiny or regards how it affect business”. Well, Trump kind of did the same thing but most of his was he didn’t care what is done to the environment. If you were not upset with Trump’s use of the pen you should not be upset with Biden’s. As they say, “what is good for the goose is good for the gander”. I would prefer that Congress take a more active role in protecting our environment and as I have stated there is money to be made in Green Technology and our future jobs  are in Green Technology.

Next is “included Illegal aliens in the census”. Now I will admit I don’t know about that one and I would not be surprised if a lot of illegal aliens want to advertise that they are here. Now of course I googled it and saw that there were a lot of good points on both sides of the issue. One point I agree with is when it comes to representation in our Government they should not count. I do think this one is best left up to the courts.

The next one was “Halted drilling in Anwar”. Yes he put a moratorium on the future drilling because it bypassed the environmental review. Now I do tend to believe that we need to protect our environment so there is a fine line between jobs and the environment. More study and negotiation has to happen on this one. If you have ever been to Montana look at the mess Anaconda Copper left behind you would be appalled.

Next she states “support trans rights over rights of girls to compete with biological girls, or share showers with only girls”. Here again I don’t know much about the issue so I googled it and came up with an interesting article form Newsweek.Here again this one will be solved by the courts.

The next one was” reversed rules to bring down the cost of epipens and insulin”. Now I had not heard this so what do I do? I Google is of course.  The jury is still out on this one. We will see what Biden does with drug prices as he get farther along but it looks like nothing that Biden has done has affected prices. It also looks like nothing that Trump did affected the prices either.

Lastly was” Funds global abortions”. I googled this one also. This is an interesting read about what happens when the other party takes power. I would encourage all pro life and pro choice to read to get a better handle on the issue. Now it is funny that she ended her list with abortion. Now I will say that I am pro choice. Not that I believe that abortion is a good thing. In fact I have never heard a single person say alright let’s go abort them babies today. I do not feel that I do not have the right to take that freedom away from someone else. Now you will say what about the baby and quote some religious argument. Well first of all our freedom of religion also guarantees our freedom from religion and like those illegal aliens that you do not want in the census well that fetus is not in the census. Now I am a believer in Jesus. Abortion has been happening for as long as women have been getting pregnant. The first record of abortion I could find was in 1500 BCE. Jesus never said a word about abortion even though it was going on at the time. If he did he probably would have asked you, What did you do for that woman so she didn’t feel she needed to have an abortion?  We are way too busy trying to control people than trying to really help them.

I hope the comments both good and challenging keep coming but please keep the insults to yourself. 



  1. Regarding “illegal aliens in census” - that’s a constitutional issue as it says that the census shall consist of everyone in the states and doesn’t differentiate “illegal” from legal residents.

    Regarding Jesus and abortion - I think the Jewish faith requires an abortion if the pregnancy puts life of mother at risk (which a lot of the anti abortion hardliners ignore).

    You’re a better person than i as I can’t stand interacting with trump fans - I’m still waiting for the day that there will be a sane alternative to the Democratic Party because right now the republicans have gone off the deep end.

  2. I appriciate your feedback. I am a to look for some sanity for the Republicans. I voted for Reagan and Bush but I can't now. we need a two pary sytsem for this democracy to work.


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