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 I am really glad that I am an Independent voter. Being not affiliated with any political party gives me such a feeling of freedom. I don’t have to try and justify the bad behavior of bad politicians. Lately is seemed like there are a lot of bad politicians. My mother always told me that I was only as good as the company that I keep. The older I get the more I understand what she meant.

Now they have voted to strip Marjorie Greene of her committee assignments. I have mixed emotions about it. She is a duly elected official from Georgia but she has said a lot of crazy stuff. Let’s look at some of the things that she said. She stated that the Parkland School shoot was a false flag, planned shooting with actors. Sorry Marjorie but real students died. She theorized that the Las Vegas mass shooting was an orchestrated shooting to bring down the 2nd amendment. I really don’t think that Marjorie has ever read the entire 2nd amendment and yes people really died. She prompted the Pizzagate scandal. Democrats sex trafficking? Really? Calling them Satan worshipers and Pedophiles. Greene goes on hour long rants against Muslims, Democrats and Soros. Frustrated with his criticisms of Trump, Greene accused the billionaire Holocaust survivor of collaborating with Nazis and “[turning] in his own people over to the Nazis.” Later, she called Soros “the Nazi himself trying to continue what was not finished.”She wanted to hang Obama and Hillary. She wanted to shoot members of Congress. Of course my favorite is the laser beams from space that caused the wildfires. The problem is that there is much more crazy stuff that she has pushed. This lady is loony tunes crazy and it would be hard to believe that people actually voted for her except I have seen other people on the web saying the same crap. What is the hell was the Republican leadership thinking? Putting this lady on the Education Committee is one of the biggest political blunders ever committed by the Republican Party. A women who thinks school shootings are staged events is not a person that I would want looking out for the welfare of our school children. I mean couldn’t you have put her on the space program committee since she knows all about lasers in space. This is a good read. 

As a stated in the beginning of this article not being affiliated with a political party is a blessing. I will tell you if there is a worthy Republican that I can believe in I would vote for them but I am really careful about whose company that I keep.  Marc Rubio has not really come out in support for Greene but he hasn’t condemned her very strongly either. Instead he blames the press whose job actually is to bring these very thing to the people. How can I stand by and support a politician that tries to play the victim instead of taking the problem head on. Byron Donalds came out against Greene, kind of, but then defended her first amendment right to free speech. I do believe this is free speech but if you are going to say something you must own it. You must be willing to take the consequences for what you say. You should not be able to lie to get where you want to go, and then, when you’re caught get off with an I’m sorry. To compare this lady to any Democratic member of Congress is just plain wrong. Lies are not a political opinion they are lies. 

Now I always come back to the Republican platform for the 1956 Presidential race . Now here is a platform I could get behind. If you look real close it almost looks like a Democratic platform. The county has not gone left, it has really gone far right. To fix the problems of the Republican Party they need to look at what they were, and what they are now.

Now those guys in 1956 were good company and the party of my Father.



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