There has been a ton of posts on both Twitter and Facebook about the Impeachment trial, the acquittal and the insurrection. A lot of them I see show that the country is far from being healed. I really do that think that we can ever be truly being whole again without the truth. Witnesses should have been called. People should have been forced to testify under oath about what really happened. Politics should have been put aside for the search for the truth. I will look at Senators like Cruz and Rubio and know that they really are not interested in the truth. They are only interested in the power that they get from hiding the truth.
I saw one posting that said that instead of trying to impeach maybe Democrats should try working with Republicans. Well, believe it or not that is what they tried to do with the impeachment. Most sane people know that Trump instigated that insurrection and was giddy over the assault. He did not care if Republicans or Democrats died. What he really hoped for was for our Constitution to die. What was always one of my complaints about Obama was that he tried too hard to work with the other side. He really did want bipartinship. Now the minute Obama was elected McConnell stated that he was going to make sure that Obama was a one term President. He bragged about how he blocked Obama for . That is not a party that was trying to work with the other side. Now Congressman Wilson yelled you lie at Obama during the middle of a State of the Union Address. I am pretty sure if Obama would have been white that never would have happened. . Now I hear things like the Democrats should be trying to work with Republicans. You cannot work with someone that will not work with you.
All during the four years of the Trump administration Democrats were demonized. Calling a person a liberal was like calling someone a dirty name. Republicans and Trump made it sound like the Democrats were the enemy of the people. Over 80 million people were the enemy of this country. And the press, man, I am just relieved no reporters were shot doing their jobs. Some were beat up though, Their job is to report. They are our watchers. They always have been and we need them. Just because they report what you do not like does not give you the right to call them the enemy of the people. Bill and Hillary complained about the press, that they were being treated unfairly. The press was not made out to be the enemy of the people then so why are they now? They are now because we have a group of people that really do not believe in the Constitution. Politicians are lying to the American people and when the press calls them on that their defense is fake news. Now if you really think about only our foreign enemies benefit from a divided America.
I do want a Government that works together. We are in the mix of a great pandemic. People have died because some people have tried to call it a hoax. Some people have died because it was called fake news. Some people have died because of money over health. Now the Biden administration and the Democratic Congress are trying to do something. Now the Republicans are putting up road blocks and people are still dying. The Republicans had months to help people and help small businesses but they did nothing and people are still dying and businesses are still failing. It seemed like the Republican party just wanted us to die so the economy would keep and going. My life and your life did not matter to them as long as the rich kept making money. The Pandemic is the real enemy of the people.
Let us unite and fight the real enemies of the people.
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