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Why is this country in such a mess? There are multiple answers to that question but one of the answers is that rich people do not want to pay taxes. Another is rich corporations do not want to pay taxes. So the problem is taxes right? Well maybe. Without taxes would we really be that great of a country? Without our tax dollars this country would never had achieved so many great things.

I know this guy that is a really nice guy. A great conversationalist and dedicated father. His children are lucky to have him as a father. His wife is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. Now he has this beautiful huge house that is perfectly landscaped.  He has a 45 foot power boat that he keeps up north that works as a floating cabin. Now this man is smart and has worked hard to get what he wants and works hard to keep it. For me to live like him I would have to win the lottery. The one thing that I do not feel sorry for him is the taxes that he has to pay. He has a lot, more than most. The taxes that the guy working for just over minimum wage has to pay hurts that guy a whole lot more but the rich get the tax breaks.  Now there are a lot of articles on government spending and I found this one that was a very good read in my opinion. 

Now that fact that corporations do not want to pay taxes is something that I feel is really hurting the Country. It seems like Corporations do not want to pay taxes, pay their employees a decent wage and they are balking at paying benefits too. Now people with great ideas should be compensated nicely for those ideas but some things that are happening is just obscene. The CEO of Amazon came up with a great idea and deserves to be a very rich man but how rich should one man be? He is like worth 180 billion dollars. Should he be a billionaire with his idea? Yes,  most definitely but no one should be that rich. I looked up what the wages were at Amazon. Now there are worse companies as far compensation but to me it looks like the backbone to Amazon is its warehouse and distribution center and the average wage for those workers in just over 15 dollars an hour. Now Benzo had a great idea but he needed a lot of help and workers to make it happen and to continue to make it successful.  Just maybe he should have been rewarding those workers a little bit more. I mean shouldn’t he be satisfied with like 10 billion. 10 billion is very rich, 180 billion is just obscene. I know I could look up other billionaires like the Walton’s and see that same pattern. When I lived in Wisconsin I believe that largest group of people that received Badger Care which was a state sponsored insurance program were Wal-Mart employees. The Walton’s were billionaires but the tax payers of Wisconsin had to help pay for their employees insurance. I think that there is something wrong with that.

In 1914 Henry Ford doubled the wages for his blue caular workers. For whatever reason you want to believe it really did help launch the middle class in this country. It also probably doubled the taxes they workers paid. It was kind of a win win for everyone. 



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