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Party Politics is really getting on my nerves. They voted on giving the Capitol Police that defended the Capitol for the insurrectionist a medal and 12 Republican Congressman voted against it?  They want to act like it didn’t happen. They went and hid and these Police Officers protected them and they want to act like it didn’t happen. Oh sure, they are introducing a resolution that commends the Capitol Police but does not mention Jan 6th or the insurrection. One man died because of the insurrection, two committed suicide because of the Insurrection and about 140 were injured with some being hospitalized. Now, where is the support for the police? These guys all ran and hid during the insurrection. These guys were all saved by the Capitol Police. They may actually owe their lives to the Capitol Police yet they choose to disrespect the Capitol Police. Maybe such bravery should be rewarded by not being reelected. I don’t care if they are replaced with a Republican or Democrat but they should all go. I am pretty sure they could all get jobs at Fox News.

We also have the Covid-19 relief bill that not a single Republican voted for. Why? They seem to want to take credit for the good that it is going to do. The majority of the people were smart enough to know that it was a good thing but where were the Republicans in Congress? They were not thinking about the people they represent that is for sure but will be at all the ribbon cutting ceremonies that occur because of it. That is what is wrong with Party Politics. I know that I do a lot of Republican bashing but the reason is that I at one time I believed in the Republican Party. Civil Rights in the 60’s would not have happened without the Republicans. Johnson may get most of the credit because he sacrificed his political career for Civil Rights but back then it was the Southern Democrats that were the people that were suppressing the Black Vote. I was proud of the Party of my Father, the Republican Party. There was once upon a time yet still in my lifetime a Liberal and a Moderate Republican but they are now all extinct.I want that party back. That party can really make America great again. I am really afraid that too many of the Republicans today want to create their own version of Apartheid here in America.

The fact that both parties vote with one mind makes it awfully hard to vote for an individual today. You may sit down and talk with a Republican or Democrat candidate and like what they say but once they get to Washington they vote with the party no matter what. That was not always true. At the end of GW Bush’s term there was a financial crisis that almost brought our financial system down. Both Presidential Candidates stop campaigning and worked with the congress and the Bush administration to solve it. That does not happen today. That makes it hard for me to vote for a Republican. I do not want voter suppression. I do not want a white supremacists agenda. I do not to be bullied by little men trying act big by carrying a gun. I want freedom, real freedom that you cannot get from being slaves to corporations or the rich. The Republican do know how to accomplish these things but refuse. In My older post, if you have read them, I have pretty much spelled out how we could be freer.




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