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What a week! 10 dead in Colorado and now the voter suppression bill in Georgia. I sure would like hear .some good news like, Let’s make America safe for everyone.”” or how about, “Let’s all have a say in our government.”  How do we make America safe again? Why do we discourage participation in our government? How much of all this is connected. We know that voter suppression and racism is connected.  Is voter suppression and making our streets safe connected too?

 I personally think that it is hard to argue that voter suppression is not racism. If you believe that it is not I have some swamp land in Florida that I would like to sell you. We just had an election for President.  A Democrat won the State of Georgia. No matter how hard they tried and no matter how much pressure was applied by then President Trump they could not find any voter fraud. But a Democrat was elected, there must be voter fraud? The people spoke and the White dominated State Government would not listen. Let me say that again. The people spoke and the White dominated State Government of Georgia would not listen.The fact that so many people voted in the last election should be hailed as a great thing. Democracy is a participation government. In instead we have people running around trying to make it harder to vote, not easier. Instead of wanting more participation they want less. Can you imagine a law that says you cannot hand out people water that have been standing in line to vote? You limit the number of polling places creating long hours of waiting in lines to vote and then want to penalize people for passing out water to the people that have been made to stand in those long lines. We need more polling places not less. In today’s age of technology it is an absolute joke that anyone has to wait in line to vote.

Is voter suppression and gun legislation linked? Here again, if you don’t believe that I still have some swamp property I would like to sell you. You have one party, the Democrats, that what common sense gun legislation and you have another party, the Republicans, that opposes all gun legislation. So how do you get your way if you are a Republican? You suppress the vote.  As long as Republicans get paid by the gun companies there will always be an incentive to suppress  voting in my opinion. Every time there is a mass shooting in the country it seems to be the time buy stock in gun companies. Panic buying because people are afraid that the government is going to take away their guns when they have too many guns already.  In Georgia you can buy a gun and walk out that same day and kill someone. If you register to vote in Georgia they say it may take 3 to 4 weeks to process that registration. It may be actually true, in Georgia it is easier to buy a gun that vote.

At one time things were very different. The first time I voted was in 1980 and yes I know I am not a young man. I could have voted in 1972 but it took me a while to understand my responsibility to freedom. (the freedom that was won was the freedom to participate in our own government) An hour before the polls closed I walked two blocks to the polls and registered right then and there. All I had to show them was an electric bill with my address on it so they knew that I was voting in the right district and then I voted. Simple, I should have done it years earlier. Four over 30 years I never had to show them anything at the polls. I just walked in, they check me off the list, gave me a ballot and I voted. Compared to what I went through recently,  I now had to jump through hoops to register to vote. It is very hard to convince me that there is not voter suppression today.


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