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Are we a nation of laws or are we a nation where the law only applies to the masses and not the elite? People have been put in jail for being in posession of marijuana but people that have tried to subvert our democracy seem to be running around free. What hurts this country more? Some poor guy smoking a joint of someone telling their followers that they have to over throw the election with trial by combat.

Rudy Giuliani’s apartment and office have now been searched by the FBI. What took so long? It had been reported that his dealings with the Ukraine were borderline criminal years ago. Could there have been a cover-up from the last administration? Did our Attorney General at the time interfere with the investigation? Did the former President interfere with the investigation? Those are questions that I feel need to be investigated. If no one is above the law than we have to start investigating those that try to interfere with the law.

There are many investigations that I feel need to happen but one of the first is the Russian interference into our 2016 election. It seems like this a subject that has been beaten to death but it has only been beaten to death in the press. It has not been beaten to death by our Department of Justice. The FBI and the CIA both stated that there was Russian interference but when the time came to hold Russia responsible the administration wanted to believe Putin instead of our own Intelligence Agencies.  Trump’s own children met with Russian representatives and that just appears to have been covered up. Trump Jr. first stated that he had the meeting to talk about adoptions but then later said it was to get information on Clinton. Why the lie?   I believe that this was an attack on our country to the magnitude of 9/11. Why it was not treated like that is because of our own government interference. How can we ever trust the Republican Party again when they have supported not only voter suppression but also election interference from a foreign government? Because the Trump administration did nothing to protect us from outside interference that just lead the way to more interference in 2020. Traitors to our democratic process need to go to jail.

Jan 6th is a day that will live in our history books forever. No matter how the Republicans like Ron Johnson for Wisconsin try to spin it he will not be able to influence how future generations view it. I today’s digital age all the evidence that is available will be there for future generations to study and learn from. Almost every day we see posting on twitter and Facebook asking for help in identifying insurrectionists. These people tried to bring down a branch of our government and need to be prosecuted by the full extent of the law. They are traitors to our Constitution and should be treated as such. There is a lot of debate right now about a congressional investigation into the Jan 6th insurrection and I cannot understand why it is not moving forward at a faster pace. Our democracy was attacked and I would think that every true American would want to know what happened and who was responsible.  Now it does not seem to be the Democrats that are throwing up the smoke screens. Why would any politician put up barriers from seeking the truth? Could it be that too many have something to hide?  It has always appeared that there was inside help.  I have seen a number of articles that has stated that but I really do not know that they are real. That is why we need an investigation by the DOJ to get to the bottom of this. If a sitting Senator or Congressman is part of the insurrection we need to know that. It would be painful but we would be a better nation for it. 

There should be a lot of investigations. Every time a person is shot by the police and their civil right have been violated there should be an investigation. Every time a police officer dies in the line of duty there should be an investigation on how we can make their jobs safer. If you believe that the Black Life Matter’s organization is violating the constitution go ahead and investigate. If you believe that the police are violating protestor’s 1st amendment right go ahead and investigate. The important thing is the protection of our Constitution. Our courts need to be more active in preserving our rights and the Constitution and less about creating liberal or conservative policy. Women’s rights, Black rights, criminal’s rights, we all have rights and that is what the courts should worry about.




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