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The big trial is going on in Minneapolis right now. Police Officer Chauvin is on trial for kneeling on George Floyd’s neck for nine minutes resulting in Floyd’s death. In today’s digital age this was of course recorded for the whole world to see. So, not only is Officer Chauvin on trial but so is our whole judicial system and our Police force throughout the whole country. Is that fair? I really do not that think that is fair but in the wake of everything else like the Briana Taylor situation it is understandable. I have posted on the web that what we all have witnessed was a modern day lynching. I had people laughing at me. Situations like this many times brings out the worst of us. At times I get the feeling that Black Lives really do not matter to a certain segment of our population.

Now, there are a couple of trains of thought. One is that most police are good people but there are just a few bad apples. The other thought is that police are mostly bad but there are a few good ones. I believe in the first one, that most police are good. Three and a half years ago I basically died on our front lawn, I had a massive heart attack and my wife called 911 and started CPR. The first person on the scene was a Police Officer who took over the CPR duties from my wife. Six minutes later the Fire Department showed up and started working on me. Because of my wife with a huge assist from the Police I am able to write this today. I also want to believe that the outcome would have been the same no matter what my color.  I have never been a defund the Police person because I do know how necessary they are in our everyday lives. I also do know that there has to be change. Racism is a huge problem in this country that has just gotten worse in the last four years. Our Police force is just a reflection of what is happening in the country. 

I am not blind to the problems of our Police like I am not blind to the problems in our society. I am not a young man. I saw the riots in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s.10s and now the 20s.  It is a problem that has never gone away and how the public reacts to them is always the same. You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.  Rioting, expecting different results, is nuts but so in justifying racism because of the rioting is just as nuts. It just a circle that we are all just going around and around with that never stops. If Officer Chauvin in found not guilty right or wrong we will see rioting again.

Now I think that there has always be an us versus them attitude among the police. It is probably only natural that they would view people with suspicion after so many years on the streets and seeing a lot of the things that they have seen. Also with the number of guns on the street you have to always be a little apprehensive with every stop you make and it is only getting worse. Guns on the streets is for another post but I have always wondered why the Police have always been pro gun when it makes their jobs more dangerous. Guns are meant to deter a threat. What if it is the police that you think is the threat?  What if I am a black child and grow up with the images of Rodney King’s busted face and the nine minutes on George Floyd’s neck and then you expect them to see the police as not a threat? You really have to look at the big picture and what picture society is creating.

Now this is only my opinion but I think that the only group that can change the police are themselves. They took an oath to protect the State Constitution and the Constitution of the United States. This is an oath that each Policeman takes voluntarily, no one puts a gun to your head and made them swear. I will say that every time a suspect is shot and killed no matter what color his or her constitutional rights have been violated. Yes I know that there are extenuating circumstances, but those circumstances must be pretty serious for those rights to be denied. George Floyd’s Constitutional rights were denied him. You panic if they propose a background check for guns but not about this? You just can’t take part of the Constitution seriously and not the rest. What can Police do to change their image? That is a question that would be better answered by the police themselves but first they have to admit that a problem exist. I would think that taking their oath seriously would be a start.

When I was growing up I wanted to be a policeman. If a grandchild of mine wanted to be policeman today I would worry.



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