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I have called myself an independent voter for over 20 years now. Before that I voted Republican. Even though I cannot bring myself right now to vote for a Republican I will still remain an Independent in hopes that a Republican comes around that is worth of my vote. The party of Eisenhower was the party of my father. The vision of that party reflects the vision that I still have. The problem with that vision is the people that mostly resemble that vision are Democrats. 

One of the biggest problems with any Republican Candidate is, whatever they say once they get to Washington they represent the party and not the district that they came from. It would be nice to be able to elect an individual instead of a party. The Democrats do not seem near as party dominated by one culture. Look at AOC, see speaks her mind and she has a vision of how she wants to help the people she represents. I may not always agree with her but she has stuck to her beliefs that she brought with her to Washington. Instead of the party changing her she was change the party a little. That is not what happens in the Republican Party. One person does not control the Democrats like one person controls the Republicans. Free thinking is good and we need more of that in Washington, not less.

Liz Chaney is going to be removed from her leadership role because she wants the people responsible for the insurrection held accountable. What is wrong with a person wanting to hold the people that tried to destroy our democracy responsible? Any Republican that voted to impeach Trump the Republican Party tried to punish.  Republicans that were critical of Trump after the insurrection slowly changed their tune in fear of punishment by their own party. May the problem be that too many top Republicans want our democracy to tumble? Who benefits by a weakened America? You all know the answer to that  even if you won’t say it out loud. Folks, our democracy was attacked. Our Constitution has been attacked and in some cases by people that took an oath to protect that Constitution. That attack did not come from supporters of the Democratic Party. It came from Trump supporters and encouraged by Trump himself. There were Republicans that lied and said it was antifa members dressed up like Trump supporters. How dumb do they think we are? Even the people that say yes it was Antifa know that it isn’t true. In today’s digital age all the evidence is there. It will be there forever.  For us to unite the lying has to stop. Everyone knew who stormed the Capital but then lied about it? Why do you believe these people and why do you support those people?

They scream voter fraud, go to court, and then produce no evidence of voter fraud. One of Trump’s attorneys, Sydney Powell  is being sued said that everyone should have known she wasn’t telling the truth. That only a fool would have believed her. Then the right introduced legislation all over the country to restrict voting claiming it is to stop voter fraud. Sorry folks but that is voter suppression. That is also a lie and the lying has to stop. The whole world is watching and the lying only weakens America. The world will not follow a bully and it will not trust a liar. Would you follow a bully? Would you trust a liar? I can’t.

Lying only weakens us and strengthens our enemies. Who gains from a weakened America? How about the leader of the misinformation movement Vladimir Putin.


  1. Please turn off your cable news, they are lying to you in so many ways that it's affecting your mental stability. So many things wrong with this, it's beyond comical and gone to just sad. You've been completely manipulated. Wake up before it's too late.

  2. Never watch cable news. Learned how to read a long time ago. You insult me but really have no rebutal. Read all 60 of my postings. Follow the reference links. Stop watching Fox News.Research and start your own blog. Try and make a difference.


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