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I keep posting on Twitter that the lying has to stop. Now, there is lying and there is being wrong. Lying is saying that the insurrection was just a bunch of tourist. Being wrong is thinking by selling more offensive weapons to Israel can bring about peace. See the difference between the two statements? The first one is to cover up the criminal behavior of the insurrectionist and your political party. The other is an error of judgment to show your support for Israel.

The lying that we have experienced in the last 5 years is just astonishing. “The election was stolen.”  “The virus is a hoax.” “It will be gone by April.”  All those were lies. Those lies did great harm to the nation. Some of them cost people’s lives. It did not help that the other side was a little over zealous in attacking the President but they were right. The virus was a danger to this county, and the world. His lack of reaction cost not only American lives but lives around the world. If the Democrats had taken a more informative role instead of attacking that may have helped also. The thing is that they were right. People are still dying and will continue to die. Not at the rate that they were but they will continue to die for a while longer.

The truth is sometimes a subjective thing. I can say that the water is blue and you can tell me that no it isn’t . We would both be telling the truth in a way. The water is blue because of the blue sky reflecting on it so it really isn’t blue it just looks that way. The one thing that you have to remember is to search for the truth. Search for the real answer. You need to find out why something is happening? We need to ask the tough questions and we need honest answers and that is not what is happening.

For years we heard what a great thing Trickle Down Economics was. Give tax breaks for the rich and the money would trickle on down to the rest of us.   Cutting taxes for the rich worked when they were paying really hi and maybe actually too high tax rates like they were at the beginning of Reagan’s term. The problem is that this always turned into the solution for the Republicans and it got to the point is was doing more harm than good. I think that they knew it but they just continued on the same path. What started out as maybe a truth turned into a bigger lie. 

One problem that we have in this country is that we are lazy. It is much easier to listen and believe the guy standing on the pulpit than it is to actually find out the truth for yourself. That is probably the truth in both CNN and Fox News. I am one of the few people that can say I have never watched Fox News. I can also say that I haven’t watched CNN for about 4 years. Fox News writings I found were slanted and dishonest from the start so if I thought their articles were BS, why would I watch the station? I found that CNN went in the other direction trying too much, not to be Fox News, it just distorted their news. So I read.

Listing to the person on the pulpit is what has ruined the Church too. Church participation is at an all time low. I can only speak for myself about the reason I turned away, they seemed to me, to turn away from Jesus. They chased the money and forgot about the soul. They, the church, look to me to be a tool for the oppressor and not the salvation of the oppressed. Children not only all over this country but also the world suffer and a blind eye is turned. What happened to suffer the children not. Jesus never said anything about abortion but he did about children. With all the hate what happened to love they neighbor? He didn’t say white neighbor or straight neighbor.  Mary, Joseph and Jesus s had to seek asylum in Egypt yet we turn asylum seekers away. To me it looks like Christ has been taken out of Christianity. I could be wrong.

As I have said many times, the lying has the stop. The election was not stolen. Racism is real. White Supremacy is real. The Jan 6 insurrection is real. All the lying has made America weaker and our enemies stronger. The world is watching us self destruct. Who gains from a weaker America? That is the question that more people should be asking. Why is not the Republican Party asking that question but the then Democratic party is not asking that question either. We are no longer the beacon of freedom for the world. Words cannot change that. Only action can.


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