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I saw a post on Twitter where Donald Trump said that if he was a Democrat he would be on Mount Rushmore .now I am 67 years old and I have never heard a President or former President say such a thing. In fact I was shocked that someone would be so arrogant to even suggest that they belonged up there. Let’s take a look at who is on Mount Rushmore.

First there is George Washington the so called “Father of our Country”. He was the man who led our army during the Revolutionary War. Our First President of the United States. One of our so called Founding Fathers. Yes, I know he was a slave owner but slavery was legal in all 13 colonies. He was not a perfect man but who is? He was still a great man that along with many of our founding fathers had a vision for the United States.

Second there is Thomas Jefferson the writer of the Declaration of Independence. He was also one of our Founding Fathers and was the 3rd President of the United States. He also negotiated the Louisiana Purchase which doubled the size of our nation. That Louisiana Purchase was probably one the greatest events in our country’s history. Yes he also was a slave owner and did bear children with one of his slaves. He was not a perfect man but then how many of us are? His achievements cannot be denied. 

Third there is Theodore Roosevelt. He was the man with the talk softly and carry a big stick guy. He was the guy that gave the world the Panama Canal. That waterway change shipping around the world and gave us the ability to move our then naval fleet from the Pacific to the Atlantic. He was also a great conservationist using his executive orders many times to protect our lands and environment. Of all of them up there he may be the weakest case but still a strong one. 

Fourth there is Abraham Lincoln. The name itself demands respect. He held our country together in its darkest time in history. Some consider him our greatest President. Not perfect but still great. 

Does Donald Trump deserve to be up there with those guys? What is his greatness? What has he done that has changed this country for the better? What has he done that will be talked about in history books a hundred years from now. He did try to build a wall between us and Mexico that he claimed would solve the illegal immigration and make us safer from terrorists. The wall does not accomplish either. It can be climbed over, going under is just a matter of minutes. Most of the illegal immagrents come through legal ports of entry not sneaking across some border. All of the 9/11 terrorists came through legal ports of entry. Not a single one snuck across the border. The wall is just a monument to bigotry, how can we put him up on Mt Rushmore?  

In my lifetime I have seen like 13 President and have seen what they have left behind. Eisenhower left behind the interstate that has changed how this country travels. He meant it for the military but it help make us freer to see this great country. Kennedy was challenged to conquer space. Johnson was Civil Rights. Nixon got us out of Vietnam and opened China. Carter gave us the Camp David Accord between Israel and Egypt. Reagan gave us our pride back and united us after the Iran hostage affair and helped end the cold war. Bush gave us Desert Storm that showed we were truly a world leader that could work with many other world leaders. We went in, accomplished his objective of freeing Kuwait and then got out. Those were all great men that gave us something that will be remembered in history.

Has Trump given us what those men have given us? Did he unite us? Did he make us stronger with our allies or weaker? Did he protect the lives of Americans here and abroad? What did he do that all of America will benefit from?

To put another face up on Mt Rushmore there better be a pretty hard test that has to be passed. If we want a President that is worthy to be up there we have to elect one that has a vision that will benefit every American and the world. That would not be Trump.


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