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Jan 6th 2021 will be a day that I believe will live in our history books just like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Many people will try and play it down but I believe that history will view it as a serious attack on our Democracy. Why am I so certain it will be remembered? All the digital evidence will survive for future generations to study and learn from. This is not like books and paper that you can hide or burn. The digital evidence is all over and shared worldwide. If Jan 6th was successful and a branch of our government was overthrown history would write about the end of Democracy in America. Here again the digital evidence would be shared worldwide. I hate to have to tell you this but America is not the only country that writes about world history. You may try and censor us here but you cannot censor the world.

Right or wrong Liz Chaney will probably be remembered as a defender of Democracy. The stand that she has taken against Trump and his role in the insurrection should be commended. She was always serious about National Security but maybe not enough to push for real reform after the 2016 election interference. I will tell you that she did vote for Trump’s agenda ovWhere she drew the line was with the attempted overthrow of our Democracy. I wonder why more didn’t draw that line. The Republican Party looks like a party that has sworn allegiance to one person and not the Constitution of the United States. They all swore an oath to the Constitution but I guess that was just another lie. Their allegiance to Trump is just more powerful than their allegiance to the Constitution and the United States of America. Does an oath mean nothing in this country anymore? They say they want to do the work of the people then they seem to forget who the people are. The first 3 word of the Constitution are “We The People”. If you do not believe in the first 3 words you cannot believe in the rest of the document.

I get so sick and tired of people saying that they are protecting me from Socialism. That Socialism will erode my freedom in some way. I want everyone to Google the Freest Countries in the World. I dare you.    All of the top ten freest countries in the world are much more socialist than we are. There are many aspects of Socialism that actually make you freer. A National Health plan would really add to our freedom. Just imagine a world where you are not tied to a job because your need for benefits. I was texting with a guy from Alabama who had just quit his job at a GE plant and was going to work for a buddy building houses. He was upset that he was losing his benefits but he needed to make more money. A Universal Healthcare system would have done this guy a world of good. It would make moves like his so much easier. Freedom of movement is a great thing that many of us don’t have because of the system we work under in this country. I think maybe that is why we have the system we have is to make it harder for us to move around and pursue our dreams. You do not get personal freedom from a gun. In fact a gun can strip you of your personal freedom faster than most things. You get your personal freedom by being able to say what you feel is right. To protest what you feel is wrong.  To vote against the people that would take those freedoms away from you. I am sorry to say that those personal freedoms are under attack.

We as a nation have to keep moving forward. I feel that we have been stagnent for just too long. We need a new economy that is based on making this country the greatest county in the world not by power but the greatest county in the world to live in. Trump once said, “why is it that the people that come here are from shit hole countries”. That statement is not only racist but also an insult to the American Dream. A lot of counties are not longer looking at us as the beacon of freedom because they are freer where they are at. The people that do look at us as the beacon of freedom is the people that come from the impoverish countries in the world looking for a better life. Are we still a beacon of freedom when they try to take our personal freedom to protest away from us? When they try and silence our voice by making it harder to protest? By suppressing the vote? Sorry, but our freedom is under attack but it is not by Socialism.


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