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This morning I was drinking a cup of coffee at my favorite joint along the intercoastal waterway. The sun was just coming up and I always like to take a picture of it and post on Facebook. I am amazed by all the beauty that is around me, as I was sitting there a shrimp boat came down the waterway returning to port. Then a pod of about 6 dolphins passed by, probably following the shrimp boat. It is such a wonderful scene and a great way to start the day. Usually when I am sitting there with my little pup Zoe I will try and catch up with what Heather Cox Richardson has posted on Facebook the evening before and put down a little reply. Her postings are like a history lesson that we all should read. What a great way to start a day.

Maybe that is why I am so passionate about what I write. I worry that future generation will not have the ability to enjoy the world as I see it now. My hope is that my great great grandchildren can enjoy the same scene that I am enjoying now. Will it happen? I don’t know. With climate change and the rising sea where I am at right now may not be there. With the increasing number of storms and their increase power will they even be able to survive? I don’t know. I hope so. It is the greed of a few and the fear of changed that has gotten us to the point where we have to start worrying what we are leaving behind for other generations. It is also the propaganda fighting change that is spreading a lot of the fear. Science is there to keep us informed and help us navigate the best path to the future. Propaganda is put forth by corporations and politicians on their payroll to install fear of change in us. It is meant to weaken our resolve to solve the problems so we have a better future. Why would they do that, Why would corporation do that?  For profit of course. Why would politicians do that? For profit of course. What I find confusing is why we are even listening to their lies?

Now, lying has been an art form in politics from probably the beginning of time. I am sure that there were many a Roman Senator that spun the truth for political gain and power. I am sure that there was many a religious leader that tried to install fear into a congregation to get a political point across. I remember when they use to say that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Turns out that wasn’t true. Why tell it? Maybe to suppress women? Why would the church want to suppress women? Does the church still try and suppress women? Those are good questions that Christians should be trying to answer. Lying is just a way of manipulating the masses and I for one is tired of being manipulated. Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute, climate change is real, racism is real, the insurrection that is still going on is real, and White Supremacy is real. Do not take my word for it, do the research. If the divisions continue a very weakened America will probably cease to exist.

The internet is one of the most powerful tools that the average person has ever had. There is such a wealth of information that is to be had; the fact that you are not informed is just a crime. We have a politician comparing the Holocaust to having to wearing a mask. Look up the Holocaust and see what happened. Look at all the dead bodies.  That politician is lying to try and manipulate you into hating a program that is trying to make you safer. Why in the hell would she want to do that and why in the hell are people listening? We are approaching 600,000 confirmed deaths from Covid with many more unconfirmed.   If we had not taken all the precautions that were taken we would I believe be in the millions. Yes, I believe Millions. I have been vaccinated but I still wear a mask at the grocery store. Why? Because I do not want to be responsible for anyone’s death when all I have to do is wear a mask even if there is a very small chance.

I have said many times that the lying and misinformation that is being spewed by the right has got to stop. The lying and misinformation have led to people dying and they are still dying. Covid was not a hoax. White Supremacy is real and will destroy us the same it destroyed Germany. Racism is real. Voter suppression is real. We need people that will really believe in Country first and the Country is its people. I don’t care who is in office, but whoever is needed to tackle all of these issues if our Democracy is going to survive.  Yes, we need unity. But with all the bigotry how are we going to accomplish it?




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