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We the People. Those are the first three words to the Preamble of our Constitution. They are written boldly and big so you know who this document is for. The ability to write this document was the freedom that we had won from the British. There was no other country in the world that was going to do what we were. A government by the people, for the people. No Kings or Nobility, just the people deciding on how they wanted to be governed.  Now they did not have a blueprint to follow so you can say that they debated and made it up as they went along. They had a vision of what they wanted for the newly formed country and went about putting it down on paper. The end result was the Constitution of the United States of America. Every policeman, soldier, judge, politician and civil servant has sworn an oath to protect and defend that document.

 As we are now seeing those oaths are just words that were said that really have no meaning to the people saying them. A Branch of our Government was tried to be destroyed and a member of the branch of Government was threatened with death. Where are all the defenders of the Constitution? The legislative branch of the government is part of the Constitution that people like Ted Cruz and Marc Rubio have sworn to protect. There needs to be an investigation. There needs to be people held accountable. It was a treasonous act and should be treated accordingly. The insurrectionist wanted to bring down a branch of our government and install a leader that had not been elected. That is treason and members of congress have taken an oath to protect the constitution from all threats. They should stand up to their oath or resign.

Just like any other document two people can read the same sentence and come away with two different opinions. That is why we need a non political court system. There should be no conservative Judges and no liberal Judges. We need Judges that can separate politics from the truth. Judge’s religious beliefs have no place in the Courts. Judge’s racial beliefs have no place in the courts. The truth should not be liberal or conservative it should be the truth. If they cannot interpret the Constitution fairly then they should not be on the Court. If they think that justice should be different for a minority than a white they should not be on the court. If they think freedom for women should be different from a man’s they do not belong on the bench.  Our laws are not being applied equally and the outrage should be felt by all of us but it is not.  White privilege is being seen in the courts probably more than anywhere else. Why does society see a black man as a criminal and a white man as a person that made a mistake? They both broke the law but one seems to be more dangerous in the eyes of the court system than the other. A prosecutor’s job should be searching for the truth and not a rush to judgment just to get a conviction. A women’s freedom should be no less than that of a man. Her body is hers and not the government or the courts.

 The courts are there to protect our freedoms and our freedoms are being attacked daily. Our right to protest is guaranteed by the Constitution yet states are passing laws to make it harder to protest. They pass a law in hopes that the conservative judges will side with them. I just go nuts when I hear people talk like that. Our freedoms should not be to taken away by the people that have sworn an oath to protect the constitution. All of our rights of choice should not be infringed upon by the courts.  There really is no middle ground here. Either you believe in the United States of America or you don’t because the United States of America is that document. The Constitution.

It is hard being an American. At times you must listen to some of the most outrageous stuff that it just makes you sick. They have to right to say it but you have the right to walk away and not listen. You have a right to your beliefs and I have a right to mine. When a pro-life person tries to force their will on someone else they are taking away someone else’s freedom. You are free to be pro-life but I should also be free to be pro-choice. I am not taking away your freedom but you seem it is ok to take away mine.


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