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As I am typing the Senate Republicans just filibustered the Voting Rights Bill, “For the People Act”. I have been stating that voter suppression and racism go hand in hand and I mean that. What is happening now is more than voter suppression and racism. It is an attack on the fundamental right for people to elect who is going to represent them and who is going to lead the nation. One of the arguments is that the States should be able to make up their own rules of how they want to run their election. That statement can sound pretty good but States are not coming up with the rules to run the election, a political party is and that political party happens to be the Republican Party. They are coming up with State rules to guarantee that they win. That is voter suppression and the Federal Government should step in to guarantee that my vote matters.

As I have stated, I wake up and read Heather Cox Richardson’s daily posting on Facebook. I have always known the importance of knowing history so we can avoid the pitfalls of the past. Reading what she has to say has just reinforced a lot of the feeling I have had all along about history. I swear that the Republican Party is just repeating the history that led us into the last civil war. The Civil War was a war that the few wanted to continue to own the have not’s. The Slave owners and the slaves. If you really look at it, it is close to the same thing now. The few and powerful want to have the control. It is not the Republican Senators but who owns them.

It is popular to scream freedom. Many times it is used by an individual to make the public believe that the talker really cares about your freedom. Most of the time that talker could care less about your freedom.  Does a certain immigration policy have anything to do with your actual freedom? Probably not. Does a certain voting policy have a direct effect on your freedom you bet your ass it does. Voter suppression will affect all the other freedom that the majority wants and may acquire in the future. Does legislation about healthcare have an effect on your freedom, yes it does. Healthcare is one of the things that separate the freest countries from us. We need to examine the things that will enhance our freedoms. Voter suppression does not only affect your freedom to vote but it also affects the freedom of us acquiring the freedoms that other national already take for granted. We like to say we are the greatest but if you take away our military we may not be that great.

We will never have bipartisan meaningful legislation as long as there is the filibuster. We will never have anything but corrupt government until we get rid of all the dark money out of politics. There are not enough people that are disgusted that our politicians are accepting bribes. That is what is happening. You want to end corruption in government you have to end the money. Russ Feingold and John McCain two men from different parties knew that and wanted to start cleaning up politics. The McCain Feingold campaign reform act was the start. Do you know the person that apposed it the most? Why, Mitch McConnell of course. I am not saying that Democrats do not take money because some probably do. The temptation is too great.  One thing I will tell you that the Republicans have no problem with flaunting the fact that they do take the money. There is only one party talking about doing away with that money and it is not the Republicans. Do you think that all that money is just American Money and not from foreign interests that do not have the well being of America in their agenda? If you believe that, I am sure there is some swampland that someone wants to sell you or a bridge in New York someone wants you to buy.

I do not have a problem with people getting rich, I really don’t. But when I am paying more taxes than a person with more money than he could possible use in a life time I have a problem with that. Everyone should be rewarded for their hard work from the janitor to the CEO but keep in mind that they are all actually connected being dependant of the other doing their job right.

The filibuster is holding the nation back from becoming the great nation that we say we are. Truth, Justice, and the American may be just corny lines from the Superman show but they shouldn’t be. That should be the motto of our elected officials that we send to Washington.



  1. I agree with 100% - we must Abolish the Filibuster or else democracy as we ever once knew it WILL disappear in front of our eyes! In a snap! The gop aka republicans are intentionally distracting the democrats with all different types of chaos on all different platforms within our country. This is occurring on a daily basis; most days multiple times ...
    Americans whether we are minorities or not should each have an equal opportunity and a level playing field just as the next. No one in the USA should be intentionaly denying anyone of their sacred right to vote. No one. There have been too many Americans that have fought their entire lifetime for these freedoms. We MUST not give up! Ever.


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