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Derek Chauvin has now been sentenced. He got what I would consider a light sentence with what I witnessed in that video. Floyd will never walk the Earth and Chauvin should get out of prison with still some life left. I still see people that are supporting Chauvin and saying that Floyd got was he deserved, not as many but still a few. Maybe I am warped but I always thought that the police took an oath and part of that oath was to protect and defend the constitution. No matter how you try to spin it after over 9 minutes of kneeling on Floyd’s neck not a single police officer there gave a damn about Floyd’s constitutional rights. That is the part that does not get enough attention. In our country even the criminals have rights. All of his rights were taken away with his last breath. I am not saying that he was a good man. The thing I am saying and have been saying all along that it is the job of a Judge and a Jury to convict and punish not the police. I know that there are times that a police officer has to protect themselves but this was not one of the times. No matter what the color of the person’s skin the rights should always be the same.

The reason I keep typing about racism is that it always seems to be in the news. Earlier this week I wrote about Critical Race Theory but the conversation seems to be getting worse. Matt Gaetz a man that never had to stand a watch was questioning a General on Critical Race Theroy. Not just any General but one on the Joints Chief of Staff. The fact that this General would want to read a book about it and tries to understand the problem I think just drives Gaetz nut. Racism is the elephant in the room that not many people like to talk about and Republicans seem to deny that it even exists. The attack on Critical Race Theory is the new issue that the Republicans are crying fire about. They want you to believe that if children learn about racism at a young age they will hate their own race. Children learn about racism at a very young age whether we want them to or not. Racism is my number one issue and I don’t hate my own race. A racist is an individual, maybe an individual like Matt Gaetz or Ted Cruz. Racism is a frame of mind not the actual color of a person’s skin.

I always talk about today’s digital age. I have a library card to my local library and I can check out a book about almost any subject 24 hours a day, seven days a week just with my electronic devices. What are Gaetz and Cruz going to do? Close all the libraries? Take away all of our electronic devices? There are an awful lot of books that have been written about a lot of subjects that I am sure that those two would rather not have people read. Maybe that is what those two should be doing is reading more about race instead of talking about it because they seem to be tripping over their own tongues.

I want to give a special shout out to Governor DeSantis of Florida. He signed legislation that outlaws the teaching of Critical Race Theroy. I have to be honest with you I do not think that a single school has a course called Critical Race Theroy. He is outlawing something that does not exist but it looks good in the papers and plays to his base. The law is based on a lie but what the hell. The people that voted for him won’t care. He also is requiring that all faculty and university students take a survey about their political views because he is afraid they are being indoctrinated by the left. This to me is a prime example of government interference in the education of our young men and women. I have a son that went to one of the so called liberal universities and came home more conservative than I was and I had just voted for G H W Bush. The United States has not gone more left it has gone more right. I have stated before that you need to look at the political platform of the 1956 Republican Party. If you look it up you will see a party that had a real vision of the direction it wanted this country to become. If you look at the Democratic Party Platform you may want to say that they actually stole it from your father’s Republican Party, Look it up.



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