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Everywhere I turn to it seems I have to determine if I am being lied to by some politician. Whether it is the border to critical race theory or infrastructure.  I should know better growing up in the 60s like I did and all the lying that we were told about the war in Vietnam. They made the public think that we could win that war when they knew all along that we couldn’t. It wasn’t until a thing call the Pentagon Papers were leaked to the Washington Post did the public learn differently. I now know that the watchdog of the government is the press. People will either think that the person that leaks information to the press is either a hero or a traitor. It is probably a combination of both. I will always believe that the public has a right to know the truth and that the government should never hide the truth from us.

When I hear a politician demonizing the press I always cringe. They are our watchdog. It is their job to report the thing that out government is doing both good and bad. Do they sensationalize it? Well yes! CNN, Fox News and other broadcasting news networks are dependent on making a profit. No profit no news networks. That is how capitalism works and our news networks are part of capitalism. If you look back in history tyrants have wanted to control the media in an effort to control the message. Control the message and you control the people.  That is why Hitler held his rallies, to control the message and that message led to the murdering of millions of Jews and other minorities that he regime thought as undesirable. In some respects the same thing is happening today. Donald Trump holds rallies to control his message. His message too is what I consider a message of hate. His message that the democrats are the enemies of the people led directly to the insurrection. His big lie he is still telling led directly to the insurrection. I had never thought of one party or another as the enemy of the people until Trump. You want to see the enemy of the people. Look at the people destroying our Constitution.

I saw a headline in the news of our buddy Ted Cruz saying, Why does the left hate America? The man who ran to Cancun when his state was in dire need. The man that even after the insurrection challenged the election on our president. Now this man is asking why the left hates America. What Ted Cruz should be asked is why does Ted Cruz hate our Constitution. Better yet, maybe Ted Cruz should be asked why he does like the killing of unarmed minorities.  If a person does not react to the anthem that Ted Cruz sees fit than they hate America. We have already been through this with all the athletes protesting the anthem. We all already know it is their constitutional right to protest. Ted Cruz took an oath to protect and defend that Constitution. No one forced him to take that oath. If he does not believe in that oath he should not be in the Senate. That goes for all of them. People should be asking why does the right hate the Constitution. They all took the same oath as Ted Cruz. If those words mean nothing to them they all should not be in office.

Thankfully we are not yet like Russia where they try to poison the opposition. Where they take the opposition and throw them in jail. Everyone should cringe every time at a Trump rally they yell, “lock her up.” That is something that they do in Russia not in a Constitutional Government like ours. We are not like China where they control the press and crushes anyone that tries to express a dissenting opinion of the government. We do not just lock people up. We have a judicial system and it is their job to decide who gets punished, not the politicians. Our President cannot say just lock them up. The problem that I see this is exactly what some people would turn us into.

We are a Constitutional government that is different from anyone else in the world. It is a great thing to be a citizen of the United States but that does not mean we should sit stagnant. That constitution is a living document that was made to evolve as the country evolves. That is the beauty of the document. I think that is why our forefathers wrote the way they did. I think that they knew, for it survive the test of time it had to evolve. This false sense of nationalism that takes away from that document is the real enemy of the people.

 I am proud of my country. A country where someone is free to protest to bring about change is a country all of us should be proud of. That is what makes us one of the greatest countries in the world.


  1. Another well written blog. I do fear that the white sympremist will get a foot hold in the Senate/House to do what TRump started to do Such as prevent voting rights, overturn elections ,freedom of the press, as well as much the same behavior that what happened during the Hitler reign. I do still hold out hope that enough honest politicians will demand that we follow the Constitution as it was written for all the people, as We the People. Cheers. Cuz, BJD

  2. Wow, how did you get inside my brain?


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