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It is June now and hurricane season has officially started. They say we are going to have an above average season this year.  Just what we need, more climate disasters. Climate change is a real thing that most of the world accepts as a fact. There are a few deniers but they have become fewer and fewer. Of course you still have those people that say the forest fires are caused by Jewish lasers from space but what the hell. She may be serious, but some of us are just laughing at her.

Now that June has rolled around Trump has stated that he is going to start up his rallies again. That is all we need is hurricanes and Trump blowing around hot air at the same time. He is planning a rally in Florida. Now the guy’s record for paying his bills is pretty poor so if I was a community that was going to have a Trump rally I would ask for the money up front. I will tell you that Trump rallies do bother me a little. Hitler held rallies and look at the results. Are Trumps rallies going to unite us or are they meant to divide more? What is going to happen if he is indicted which very well could happen. Will these rallies incite violence? Rallies are meant to be self serving and just like Hitler’s rallies Trump’s are meant to serve just Trump.

I use to think that there was not a lot of difference between the two political parties but I will tell you that there is a huge difference now. The Democrats are trying to make this country better for the majority. I really believe that. I also believe that the Republicans used to do the same thing. When I was growing up the Republicans led by Eisenhower were pro labor. The Republican Party helped expand the middle class. The Republican Party built the infrastructure that is now so in need of repair. The Republicans knew that to accomplish this you had to have taxes. Do yourself a favor and research the Republican Party of the 50s. That was the party of my father. I believe that those guys really did know how to keep America great after World War II. What in the hell has happened?

Four things that happened in the 80’s I think had a huge effect on what is happening today. First, we had a Union busting President in Reagan and the Unions have not recovered since. After all the good that was done by our government like the space program taking us to the moon, and the interstate enhancing our mobility freedom  we had a Republican President that said Big Government was the Enemy. We had a huge increase in military spending in an effort to win the Cold War which in my opinion was big government. We also had Trickle Down Economics. The Idea that if you can give tax breaks to the rich the money would trickle down to the rest of us. I voted for Reagan. Why because my father was a Republican and so was I! I did not think that being dependant of scraps from the rich was a good idea but I thought that they must know better than me. Now look at the income divide that this nation has.

We still have people running around saying that the government is the enemy and this is 40 years later. So what do we do? Just throw away the Constitution and the electoral process and let the billionaires run the place. Isn’t that what we rebelled against in 1776? Our Constitution starts out with the words big and bold WE THE PEOPLE. It does not say we the rich people or we the white people. It did start mostly white but as we became more diverse those word began to ring more true. I do think that is exactly what the writers knew would happen. I think that they knew that eventually slavery would end and we would have a black population that would become part of this nation. The Founding Fathers were not dumb.

Is our great experiment dying a slow death? I hope not. Democracy is something that was worth fighting for in 1776. They were fighting for the ability to form their own representative government. Voted by the People, for the People. Will it just become a footnote in some World History book? We do have the ability to still make it work but it will take some strength and determination. We need to defeat voter suppression. We really do need to embrace that all men are created equal in the eye of the Government and the eye of the Lord. If we want to be the greatest country on the planet then we must act like it.




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