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We should have a lot going on but for some reason we have very little going on. We have the Insurrection investigation. We have the Infrastructure Bill. We have the Voting Rights Bill. All these things should be happening but they are not. Why? Mitch McConnell and the Filibuster.

The fact that we do not have an Insurrection Investigation going on is just an embarrassment to the whole country. Not only should Republicans be embarrassed but the whole country should be embarrassed. Our Capital was breached by insurrectionist for the first time since the British in the War of 1812. This was not something you could compare to any race riot. Race riots are people that want to be included in our democracy and society in general and feel that they aren’t. This insurrection was from people that wanted to destroy a branch of our Government and put a dictator on the throne of the United States of America. There is a huge difference between the two. One group angry because they feel excluded from democracy, the other wanting to end democracy. Now I would be ok, in fact, I would encourage an investigation into the Black Lives Matter movement. I think that the public has a right to know more about it and why minorities feel they are not included in our democracy. That investigation should be held separate from the insurrection investigation. The insurrection investigation should be to hold those responsible for the insurrection accountable no matter the political fallout. If they were successful the United States as the world knows it now would no longer exist.

For a country that wants to lead the world Infrastructure should be a no brainer. Without a world leading Infrastructure we can’t be the leader of squat. Infrastructure is more than just roads. It is mass transportation. It is the power grid. It is putting things in place pieces that not only help us today but prepare us for the future. The obstacles that are holding us back should be addressed. If that means day care so women can get back into the work environment to new forms of energy we have to start thinking outside the box. Other countries are. We need to start preparing for a greener economy because it is the economy of the future. If you want to lead you have to start there. You fall behind you will have a hard time catching up. We cannot call ourselves leaders if we are following someone else and we use to be leaders.

Voter suppression is something that breaks my heart. The very first election I voted in was the Mayoral election in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It was Saftig against Billoti. I voted for Billoti and he was elected by one vote. I registered at the polls that night just a half hour before the polls closed which was a simple process. Because the person I voted for won by one vote it showed me that my vote really counted. I have voted in pretty much every election since. Voter participation is the most important thing that occurs in a democracy. Our ally Australia has mandatory voting. Here we try to suppress the vote and if you look it up you will see we have a history of that in this country. As long as we have all this dark money bribing our politicians and the filibuster we will continue to have voter suppression. We are closer to losing our democracy than you think. The combination of the White Supremest Racist that wants to suppress Blacks and minorities and the Super Rich that bribe and own our elected officials for power is a bad combination.

The one thing that is making it harder to change things is the filibuster. I do know that the filibuster was a tool that throughout history has been used to suppress our minorities. It is doing more harm than that now. It has stopped an investigation into the insurrection and has made it harder to hold people that participated in it accountable. It has been used to suppress people’s right to vote. It will be used to stop us from real infrastructure reform. Do you know what is also eliminates? Bipartisanship. It enables a Senator to hide behind its party. It makes it easier for one person to give the marching orders to an entire political party. You want to get rid of partisan politics you have to get rid of the filibuster. It is one tool that is keeping the Senate from working together to solve our nation’s problems. It has given the minority leader to put party before Country and that is what we are seeing now. Party before Country, Party before Constitution - they took an oath to protect and defend. Party before the wishes of the people.

We need to elect people that will put the Constitution and the Country first. We need to elect people that will look after the interests of the whole country not just the very rich. We need to elect people that will help guide us into the future. A lot of the people there are just not cutting it.


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