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Here I am at the end of July 2021 and we are still arguing about wearing masks.  We have been given all kinds of information on a daily basis that is always changing. I remember they said that if we could get over 70 percent of population we may be able to reach herd immunity. I never thought that we would get to herd immunity. With all the resistance to even the virus itself, I knew it we would never reach our goal. When you have people dying and some of their last statements is I thought it was a hoax you have a definite communication and trust problem.

Being from Florida I have never stopped wearing my mask where I thought it was appropriate. They have said all along that the vaccine would not stop me from getting the virus. They only said that if I did catch the virus that I would not get as sick and probably would not die. They did not say that we were immune. With that in mind I continued to wear my mask to the grocery store and other shopping places. I will tell you right now that I am in one of those vulnerable categories. I have heart disease and I have scarring on my lungs from exposure to asbestos. I am also 68 years old. I got vaccinated as soon as it was made available to me which as you know in Florida it was like jumping through hoops. I knew that it would not stop me from getting Covid-19 but I also knew that it may save my life. Just because something may not kill me know does not mean I shouldn’t protect myself from catching it. Also, If I do catch it, I could still spread it to other people vaccinated and unvaccinated. The vaccine helps and everyone should get it but it is not the cure-all. It is not what is going to wipe out the virus for good. That may never come, we don’t know but science will still keep on researching  it.

I was just watching a video of some Republican members of Congress marching in protest because they are now suppose to wear masks again. What an example they are setting for the rest of the country. Masks can help and they definitely do not hurt. What possible harm can the mask cause? The truth is that they don’t cause any harm. Why do Republican Members of Congress want to send such a divisive message? I am an independent voter that will not vote for any Republican that wants to divide the country let alone divide the country over the wearing of a mask that may save my life or my neighbors. Life, liberty and justice for all. Life is the first part of that statement so without life we cannot have liberty or justice.

The personal choice argument is all wet too. How can you say that you are pro life and anti mask. How can you say that it is my choice and then deny a women her choice? You can say what about the life on the baby and I can say what about the life of the person standing next to you. If you do not hold dear the life of the person next to you do you really care about that fetus?

In the next month most of the schools start across the country. I know that there is going to be a huge argument about masks. Governor DeSantis is already stating that there will be no masks for children in schools because children have to breathe. That is an interesting choice of word. Children have to able to breathe. Dead Children do not breathe at all Governor. There may be children that die because he says that children have to breathe. There may be children that spread it to their parent, grandparents and siblings because he says that children have to breathe. What is the acceptable number of deaths? 10, 100, 1000? How many deaths does it take for it to be appropreate to wear a mask because children have to breathe. Dead people do not breathe at all.

As a country we have to unite in protecting one another. What amazes me the most is that this is not the message of the church. I always thought that was what Jesus wanted us to do, look out for your neighbor. I would be willing to bet that there are a lot of people that think just like me.  There lies the problem. We are not suppose to think. 


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