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I am writing this just before the 4th of July. This is a time to remember the vision that those men had that day for the new country they were about to start building. Are we losing our way from their vision?

The Supreme Court just took the wind from the sails of democracy and this counties independence celebration. Is that going to be Supreme Court Justice Robert’s Legacy? In every turn it looks like to me that he has diminished the vote of the individual in favor of the corporate entities that do not even have a right to vote. They seem to be taking the power of the people to decide what their voice will be and has given that voice to powerful PACs that have nothing to do with the voice of the people. Their goal just may be to silence that voice of the people. Since Roberts has gotten on the bench his goal seems to me is to diminish the voice and the will of the people. Every time the Supreme Court has had a chance to enhance our democracy they seem to going in the other direction and diminish our democracy.

We have had many states that have passed voter suppression laws, laws that will make it hard for certain segments of the population to vote. I would think that we should be looking for ways to make it easier to vote not harder. They don’t look at foreign interference they look at imaginary voter fraud and the color of the face they see committing that fraud is not a white face. The Supreme Court just o.k.’s racism. The majority just said that it was ok to make it less convenient for some to vote. That is saying that it ok to have different rules for different parts of society. That is Racism, that is voter suppression and the Supreme Court just said it was “ok”. All the progress that we had made in the 60’s is gone.

Everyone is quick to say what the forefathers wanted but what they did want is that our voices are heard. No taxation without representation that was their battle cry. Now it seems that that the battle cry is taxation and no representation. The people that do not pay their fair share of taxes want a bigger voice than the people that do pay their fair share. I am sure that a Koch does not have to wait in line for 8 hours to vote. The wait in the white suburbs and the inner city should be the same but it is not. I am white and I have never waited for 8 hours to vote. In today’s computer age we shouldn’t even have to leave our home to vote. The states like Wisconsin have gerrymandered their districts just to diminish a person vote, their voice in our democracy? Minority rule is the name of the game. If this was happening anywhere else in the world we would be up in arms wanting the oppression to stop. We cannot take the high road anywhere in the world anymore. How can we lecture China about human rights and then deny the right to vote to our own people because they are not Republican and White. The world is just laughing at us because our highest court just said it was ok to oppress people.

This 4th of July you will see many people talking about what a great country we are and how we have shown the light of freedom for the rest of the world to see. Some of those people will be doing a lot of talking but that is just what it will be talk. The authors of voter suppression will talk about freedom while trying to oppress the freedom to a large portion on our society. Freedom is not just a word to scream to try and impress the voters. If you are crying freedom while taking away women rights to choose what you are doing is oppressing a portion of our society. If you are crying freedom while making it harder for someone else to vote you are oppressing them. The whole world knows this and can see this. In today’s digital age you cannot hide it anymore. The world can see the cheating going on with voter suppression and gerrymandering. They can see the screwy district maps of Wisconsin just as easily in China and Iran as they can here. Their attitude towards us is that we are Liars and Hippocrates and they are right because we are. We cannot say “Do as we say, not as we do”. That just will not cut it with the rest of the world. Biden has restored a lot of our image back but we have a ways to go.

If the Supreme Court is just going to be an extension of a political party then this country is in for some real trouble. We have a political party that is trying to create an American version of Apartheid, minority rule and the Supreme Court is helping them. If freedom is meant for just a few and not everyone you do not have freedom.  Freedom cannot be just a word that is screamed by people like Ted Cruz. That just makes in a hollow word with no meaning. Freedom has to be something that we not only protect for ourselves but for all of our neighbors too not matter of their color, sex, age, sexual orientation or political party.

A lot of men that wrote the Declaration of Independence are the same men that wrote our Constitution. Their vision is being twisted and their message to us is being lost. They did not invasion a fascist type of government. They envisioned a country where all men are equal and that is the duty of the Supreme Court to uphold and they are not. Freedom should not be just a word without meaning.

2022 may be the most important election in the history of our democracy. We may be voting for our Constitution or Fascism.




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