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Is there anyone responsible? That is a question that I ask myself a lot lately. We have all the truths and we have all the lies and we are having trouble distinguishing which is which and people have died because of it. More people will die because of it. We are now over 600,000 deaths and climbing. There have been over 4 million deaths worldwide and it could have been worse, much worse.

One of the states that is being hit the hardest with the new Delta variant surge is Missouri. All the fingers are pointing to the little tourist town of Branson, Missouri as the epicenter of the new surge in the state. There are about 54 new cases a day in a town of just 57,000. Branson is one of the hottest tourist areas in the Midwest so they get a lot traffic through the city. Their mayor from what I understand is a Trump supporter, anti- vaccine person and a anti- mask person. So I want to ask what roll does that mayor have in the infection of people in his own city and in the spread of the virus in his state?  I would think that as a mayor you would be at least a little bit responsible for the safety of the people of your city. I would think that he would have a responsibility to contain the virus so it doesn’t spread. I know they will say, “What about personal responsibility?” Do you really think that this has anything about personal responsibility? As I state earlier that Branson was one of the hottest tourist areas in the Midwest. What is happening has nothing to do with personal responsibility, it is all about money. Let’s face it in our capitalist system making money may be just more important than people’s lives. No one will admit that but if you really look at the actions of many of our government officials it is all about the economy and not that fact that people are dying.

The personal responsibility argument does not really hold up. If a man is standing on a building ledge threatening to jump all the emergency service would be called. Fire Department and the Police would be there trying to save the person’s life. There would not be the attitude that well, it is his life so just let him jump. What the mayor in Branson is kind of saying is that it is their lives so just let them jump. He does not want to save lives he wants to help the businesses maintain their profits. So I ask again, what responsibility does the Mayor have in this case? He definitely is not trying to saves lives. Should he be able to be sued because of the deaths of loved ones? He plays a big role in this but seems to be coated with Teflon that makes sure nothing sticks to him. That is a problem today with most of our politicians. They make decisions that affect everyone’s lives and sometimes kill people but nothing sticks to them.

What responsibility does people like Ted Cruz have for the situation of the virus we still have today? One year ago he was playing down the virus reaction by the Democrats saying that if Biden was elected their attitude would be that everything was all of a sudden magically better. He was still making light of the pandemic and trying to use it as a political issue when in reality people were dying. Of course just the opposite happened and the Biden administration really mobilized the distribution to the vaccine and is still treating it like the serious issue that it is still today. Biden put the American people first while Cruz put politics first. Should politicians like Ted Cruz only be responsible at the polls? People die and our only option is to vote them out? The lying and misinformation is killing people and too many of our elected officials are the ones doing the lying.

Maybe the real problem is us. Maybe too many of us want to be lied to because it helps feed our hate. Maybe too many of us want to put money before the lives of our neighbors so the lies help us do that. I think that the lying has to stop and the people that have to stop it are the ones that are the people like Ted Cruz. Senators like Marc Rubio from my state of Florida instead of tweeting scripture; maybe, he should be working harder, actually saving lives. Maybe Governors like my Governor DeSantis should worry more about the lives of his constituents than planning his run for the presidency. When a politician’s ambition causes death then it is time to get rid of that politician.  


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