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Racism just will not go away in this country. I have written about it before and will write about it again I am sure. I know that Senator Scott from South Carolina said that there was no systematic racism in our country but how can there not be. His statement that America is not a racist country is either a lie or he is one of the most blind Politicians in the United States. Of course there could be another reason. The man just may be putting party before country.

Every day when you read the news there is another story about some racist incident that has happened somewhere. Racism is as American as apple pie. I was just reading a story that a man in New Jersey was just arrested for pushing and hurling racial slurs at a neighbor. Of course he has apologized for the incident and said that he just lost his temper. Of course that is just supposed to make things better. I guess no apology would be worse but if you keep on apologizing for the same behavior than that apology is pretty hollow. That is what is happening in America. People make some racist rant and then say something like that is not who they really are. Excuse Me? Not what you really are? If that is not the way you really are then why did you do it? I have called myself a recovering racist. I know that every day I must admit that there is racism in the country and try to do a better job.  You would think that I would give those people a break. I would if they would admit that this is the way they are, that they know that it is wrong and that they know they have to do a better job. If I heard something like that I would probably give them some slack. To say that is not the way they really are, when they have shown the whole world what they are, is just insulting.

The Pulitzer Prize winning Professor of Journalism was denied tenure at the University of North Carolina. After a lot of backlash the University did offer her tenure which now she has refuses and is going to Howard University. Good for her. The staff at UNC has supported her decision because of the racist way her Alma Mater had treated her. Racism in our education system is not a good thing. You here all the time that the only way to get rid of racism is with education. If our educational systems are going to be part of the problem then we will have a harder road in solving one of our nation’s greatest problems. I am still amazed that some of the greatest athletes that this country produces go to a school where they are actually thought of as a second class citizen. It wounds me greatly when great white athletes come out and support a racist candidate. Jack Nicklaus and his wife have done such a great job of supporting Children’s Hospitals. He then writes a long letter endorsing Donald Trump a man that was putting children into cages for President. When questioned at the Masters he skirted the question saying that was not the time or the place to be asked that question. He used his fame to endorse a racist and a bigot and then did not want to be held responsible. With fame comes responsibility. Needless to say he didn’t write a long letter condemning Trump after the insurrection. Every time I look at Jack now I see a racist (Trump) that can justify putting children into cages and I am watching less golf because of it.

The Republicans love to attack Critical Race Theory. They seem to think that if they attack Critical Race Theory that they can pretend racism is a theory. Sorry, Racism is a fact, not a theory. To pretend otherwise is just a lie. Our country may be not just conservative or liberal it may actually be divided racist and non racist. Our history bears out that racism has been a huge part of it. Today the libraries are open 24/7 you can research all of this stuff. Search racism and gun control. Research the march to Montgomery and the bloody bridge. Research Rosewood or Black Wall street.  These are the things that Republicans do not want taught. It has nothing to do with Critical Race Theory. These are the things that politicians like Ted Cruz do not want to be taught in schools.

We need to embrace our racist past and come to terms with it. Hiding from it just makes us look stupid to the rest of the world. Our history is world history and believe me they study it. The world knows, so for us to try and hide it really does make us look like a bigoted nation.



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