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We seem to have conflicting personal rights going on in America. Is it a person’s personal right to not get vaccinated? I would have to say “yes”. Does a person that has been vaccinated have the right to feel safe when they go out in public? I would say “yes” to that also. That is the dilemma, they both have rights. Does one right over shadow another? I would think that answer would be” yes”. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness so I would think that protecting your neighbor’s life would take precedent.

I was just in Seacrest Market in Ellison Bay Wisconsin. There was a pretty good crowd in there I would say about 30 people. There was only one person wearing a mask and it was me. I have been vaccinated but I am still trying to practice the proper mask protocols.   Why? The main reason is that there is still a pandemic going around and I am acting and treating people the way I wish to be treated, with respect and their safety in mind. How can I cry freedom when I am putting other people’s lives at risk? How can anyone cry freedom when they are putting other people’s lives at risk? Freedom should not be a word that we use when the only meaning is that I am a selfish person and only want to think of myself. Freedom should not be a word used when I want to put other people in harm’s way.

When I wear a mask I feel like there is nowhere that I can’t go. Restaurants, grocery stores, shopping, almost anywhere. To me that mask gives me freedom to move around and do the normal things that people do. When I wear a mask I have my freedom and am still protecting others. Simple. I do not wear one outside but I do try and be careful and respectful to other people. Protection for other people is what everyone should be striving for. I saw a bumper sticker that asked the question “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO”. I would like to believe that he would protect his neighbors.

I am now going to change direction a little and talk about the Insurrection Investigation or should I say a lack of one. I feel that this investigation has been sabotaged by the Republicans from the very beginning. Kevin McCarthy appoints people that he knows are going to be rejected. Nominating people like Jim Jordon is a stall tactic meant to sabotage the whole process. We need to search for the truth and McCarthy wants to hide the truth. Why would that be? Why do some Republicans not want the truth to come out? They have a opportunity to help preserve our democracy and they reject it. In reality are they rejecting our democracy? Is there a group of people that now longer want our constitutional government to survive? The group that stormed the Capitol did not want our Constitutional government to survive.  They wanted to put and unelected person on the throne of the United States. Are you Republicans really ok with that? Are there actually people in Congress that do not want our Constitutional government to survive? Those are serious questions that need serious answers.

In today’s digital age all of this stuff is going to survive. All the digital evidence of the insurrections. All the outrage in the immediate aftermath. All the backtracking that was done later in an effort to save Trump. All the speeches with the lies that called it a bunch of tourist to Trump saying that people were hugging and kissing. All this will be preserved in not only the history of the United States but also in the history of the world because our history is part of World History. There is no way to change that. There is a chance that my great grandchildren will be able to read what I had to say. What will Kevin McCarthy’s great grandchildren think about his actions and what he has said? He will not be able to write the narrative, it will be written by historians. All of them should worry about that because what they do may really live forever in the digital world. History will know the differences between the truths and the lies.


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