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A couple of weeks ago I was sitting at table outside writing while my granddaughter took sailing lessons. It was a beautiful day and a great atmosphere to write. The water looked great and the sound of the kids running around just added to the great atmosphere. As I was sitting there a lady that I knew from Illinois came as sat with us. I have always thought of this lady as a little bit of an intellectual type. We were not in a very political discussion when this lady says that she is glad she is not from Michigan with their crazy governor. I was a little bit surprised by what came out of my mouth next. I said to her “Do you know why we have never had a Women President? It is because you guys eat your own”. The woman got up and left which was alright with me because I could go back to my writing. True as my statement was I probably should not have said it.

Now women have been treated like second class citizens since the beginning of time. This has not been a race thing. Just about every race everywhere in the world has treated women the same, as some form of subspecies that is supposed to be dominated and controlled by men. Even here in America strong women are often demonized like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are. Smart strong women seem to scare a lot of men but also a lot of women. Hillary Clinton would have made a better President than the former guy but her strength scared too many people. Instead of recognizing her strength she was called a bitch, and, who wants to be governed by a bitch? When she debated the former guy she was the stronger person on the stage but because she was not soft she was rejected. The real problem I have was that she was rejected by 55 percent of white women. That tells me the 55 percent of white women were more comfortable with an adulterer and a person that committed sexual assault than have strong women in control. Now, I will say that there are some women leaders in the Republican Party but the minute they have an opinion of their own, like Liz Cheney, that does not follow the Republican line want to throw her out. Women are not supposed to have a different opinion for the men.

I was in an online discussion that got just little out of hand and I am afraid that I started it. I started by saying the DeSantis’ school voucher plan was just another form of segregation. You give a family a voucher because they don’t want to send their kids to a public school, where they will have to wear a mask, to a private school where they have to wear masks. Well, as some discussions expanded, it got into charter schools and then there were insults. Do you know what thought came into my mind is that we eat our own. The people are always too quick to eat their own. We are too quick to respond. Most of the conversation was against charter schools and so am I if is run by the private sector. My grandchildren happen to go to a charter school not run by the private sector but run by the school system itself and it is widely successful. But as I said that this charter school was run by an answerable to the School District which makes a huge difference. Not some scheme to take taxpayer’s money and put it in the private sector. We sometimes have to listen and research what someone is saying before we just dismiss as it as garbage especially if they are on the same side as you. You can still learn from your enemies but you can really learn from your friends. We non-republicans have to stop eating our own. That is what they want.

Suppression of woman has been long standing in religious organizations.  We have given the church a free pass on the fact that they have suppressed women for centuries and we allowed them to demonize their own. The church taught me as a child that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Women with a sinful past that was forgiven by the love of Christ. As I have gotten older I have learned that that was not true. Why would the Church lie to me about Mary being a prostitute because it is a lie meant to demean the power of women in the church? Why are not women now asking for answers? That is a great question that I will never get an answer to. Of course it may actually be off topic a little too but it is Christian’s eating their own a little isn’t?

I am going to switch gears and write about my opinions of Afghanistan. I was saddened that day that we sent troops into Afghanistan and I am saddened the day that we have left Afghanistan. I know we went in to try and defeat terrorism. I also thought back 20 years ago that we would fail. Islamic terrorism is more of an idea than it is a country. It is very hard to defeat an idea with bullets. That is why I knew that we would fail. The idea never left, so the problem never left. There is a lot of finger pointing going on right now and there is definitely is a lot of blame to go around. Our missions in the beginning was to get Osama bin Laden but that mission changed and getting Osama bin Laden was not that important. Then we got bin Laden in Pakistan. Our whole mission in Afghanistan was a mess and now the end looks very similar to Vietnam which I also watched. I do not know of a single president that doesn’t carry some of the blame and there have been four. The fact that so many fingers are pointed at Biden just shows the failure of some of those other presidents. They made bad decisions to go in, to negotiate with terrorists but the guy that closes the door is of course to blame.


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