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It has not been a good week to be an American in the eyes of the world I think. Of course in the eyes of the world I do not think it has been a good 4 ½ years to be an American. There are those that would say screw the world but is that really productive? I have said before and I will say again you have to have people willing to follow you if you are going to be a world leader. America first is not a good look for someone that wants to be a so called leader. Bullying someone is not a way to make them want to follow you. Talking boldly with no action is not a way to get people to follow you. Will they ever want to follow us again?

I have seen us lose two wars in my lifetime. One was Vietnam and the other was Afghanistan. Both times we did not understand the culture and resolve of the people we were fighting. We assume that everyone wants what we have and that is a bad assumption. Of course one thing that they all want and that we have is power and they cannot have that being submissive to us. We have embarrassed ourselves in the face of the world for over 4 years now and I do not know how to fix that. I am 68 years old and I do not think that it will not be fixed in my lifetime. One thing that I do not understand is that when Trump was negotiating with the Taliban why were so many silent. These were the people that helped make 9/11 happen and he gave the country back to them. It is that simple. You negotiate with the people we wanted to remove from power because of 9/11 and deserted the people that we helped put in power. That in a nut shell is what really happened and now we see the results. It was just like us deserting the Kurds. You can blame Biden all you want but it will not be the truth. When it comes to the people that died on 9/11 and all the soldiers that have died in the Middle East the minute we started to negotiate with terrorist we abandoned them all. Do I sound a little angry well yes, I am angry! People died because we elected a weakling draft dodger as president and disgraced the memory of many good men and women. We play politics blaming Biden when we as a nation should be looking in the mirror and blaming us.

Now comes the fight on where do we go from here. They chastise Biden for not evacuating the people that were loyal to America and then say we don’t want them here. Too many have put Biden in a situation that there is no way to win. How can we expect people to be loyal to us when we are not loyal to them? The world watches in dismay at the political fighting that is going on and it is just weakening us. China and Russia are having a field day with this and do you know why? We have a group of Republicans that will not work with or help the President of the United States. The Republicans created the problem and then stand on the sideline and throw stones. Is this what we want because it only weakens us more and strengthens our enemies.

Are we seeing the downfall of America? I sure hope not because I have grandchildren that I want to live a free and happy life. You have people running around wanting a revolution. Do you believe that? A revolution! The Bolsheviks started a revolution in Russia in 1917 and that led to Communism and the USSR. If we do have a revolution here I think that the results will be the same and the fate of the insurrectionist will be the same as the Bolsheviks. There are not many revolutions were the country comes out better and stronger than before. Fascism destroyed Germany and murdered millions. Communism did not build a greater Russia and murdered millions. We in 1776 had a successful revolution and what can from it is the Constitution of the United States. Do we really want insurrectionists to destroy it? Voter suppression will do that. Gerrymandering will do that. If we really want a democracy then we have to embrace it and work to make it even better.

Look up the freest countries in the world at the World Atlas site. You will see that we are not even in the top ten. Why? Suppressing minorities is not freedom. Suppressing voting is not freedom. You only have freedom when you have freedom for all.



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