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The other night I was watching the Football Hall of Fame Inductions being broadcast from Canton and was glad for the distraction. Peyton Manning gave a very entertaining acceptance speech. He talks about all the issues that football has had to take on and one issue he brought up was the political issue. In all due respect to Peyton the political issue has ripped the nation more than it has ripped apart football. It is great that Peyton wants to be the gatekeeper of the great game but I wish he would be more of a uniter for our nation. He does a lot of great and funny commercials. What if he would do a public service announcement asking all his fans to get vaccinated, that getting vaccinated would save lives. He would not only be a great steward for football but also the nation. Great men step up and do great things when needed.

As football approaches I fear that we will have the same old they are disrespecting the flag argument. Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the playing of the anthem and you would have thought that he just shot the President. A black man takes a knee to try and make people aware of police brutality and social injustice against black people and you would have thought that he had committed treason or started and insurrection. In fact he has been treated worse than the people that actually started the real insurrection of Jan 6th. He took a stand that has cost him dearly but he did it to try and stop injustice. That man is not a coward hiding behind bone spurs. That man is actually just an American reminding us the direction that the nation needs to go if we are really going to be the beacon of freedom for the world. Because of the racism and bigotry of this nation his message was twisted and distorted. His message was one that if people would have listened would have help strengthen our constitution that the flag and the anthem represent.

Now Covid-19 is still wreaking havoc on our country and the world. There are still too many politicians that have made in a political issue and people have died. I am sorry but we really need to get rid of people like Rand Paul. He has now stated that we should all stop listening to the CDC. The only thing that the CDC is doing is trying to keep us safe. All Rand Paul is doing is promoting Rand Paul. He has had no suggestions on how to save lives or how to protect our children. As our ICUs are filling up I have a hard time trying to fathom why a man would want our children to suffer. I am glad that this guy was not around during the polio epidemic.

My Governor DeSantis says that he will defund school systems that require masks. He has promised vouchers to parents to send their children to private schools. Most of those schools require masks. Just another program to harm our schools. We now have children in ICUs in Florida but that’s ok because we need to see the smile on children’s faces. Dead children do not smile Governor. He blames immigrants coming across the border in Texas for our spike in Florida. He doesn’t talk about all those out-of-state tourists that have come to our state this summer, in what I think, are in greater numbers. What he really has done is put profit and his ambition over life and then blames Biden in hopes he doesn’t lose votes in his run for the Presidency. God help us if DeSantis ever does become President.

The country has real problems and most of them have come from the party that I used to support, the Republicans. Great Republicans like Eisenhower were anti-fascist. My father and grandfather were anti-fascists. They were all Republicans. How did the Republicans become the party of the fascists? It couldn’t have just happened with Trump. It had to have started happening long before him. It always starts with a thirst for money and power. It has started with all the money that is coming into Washington that is corrupting our government. It is all coming into Washington because our Supreme Court has made it ok to corrupt our government with its Citizen’s United decision. Our Democracy is slowly going away because of the progress made by great men before us is being undermined by lesser men.

I will leave you with one last thought that that is about Governor Cuomo of New York. Men in power have always preyed on women and they must all go. If you are not calling for the end of Trump. If you are not calling for the end of Gaetz. If you are not calling for the end of Kavanaugh.  If you are not calling for the end of “Mr. Long Dong Silver” himself,  Clarence Thomas, maybe you should keep your mouth shut. This should not be a political issue. They all have to go. We are the problem because we have let politics harm women and children but we have the power to stop it. Demand that it stop. Vote then out. Vote!



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