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 A lot is going on in Washington right now that in my opinion will affect future generations more than it will affect me. I am a white male with heart disease that will be lucky to see another 10 years. We have an Infrastructure legislation that the majority of the country seems to be in favor of. We have the Jan. 6th commission that seems to be moving very slowly. We have the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. We also have a crisis of funding our government.

The Infrastructure legislation is something that is long overdue. It is one of those situations of pay me now or pay me more latter. The longer we wait, the worse it will get, and the more expensive it will get. A lot of it is going to have to happen whether we like it or not. As our population grows the needs of the country grows. I know that there are a few things that are tied into the legislation. There is what they are calling the Social Infrastructure that many conservative and a couple of moderate Democrats are objecting to. I have to admit that most of the social aspect of the bill is not what I would consider Infrastructure.  What I have a problem with the objections is that these are things like workforce development and the Veterans Hospitals really do need to be dealt with. I kind of look at it this way, if the government does not help people lift themselves up then they in the end are just going to wind up with a bigger problem in the future. Business does not seem to be up to the task and workforce development is a key to competing on the world stage. As far as the Veterans Hospitals? We should be ashamed of how we treat our Veterans. I am so tired of all the dog and pony shows that is all talk and no substance when it come to those that have sacrificed so much. I may dedicate a whole posting next week just on Infrastructure.

Our Democracy was attacked by domestic terrorists. We need accountability. One thing I will say is that accountability has to start at the top. It cannot be just with the poor sucker that was duped into believing the big lie. The insurrectionists were told by the outgoing President and other prominent members of the Republicans that the election was stolen and there was tremendous voter fraud. There have been investigations, recounts, court challenges and even a ninja audit. Nothing. Biden won and the big lie is just that a big lie. As Sydney Powel said no sane person would have believed her. The problem is, yes, people have believed the big lie and we need accountability. If we don’t have accountability this is going to be a scenario will just keep repeating it’s self.

The fact that we have people in Congress that think that it is “ok” to default on our payments is what I would say it is very damaging to the country. I am expected to pay my bills and so should the government. We need to get fiscally responsible people in government and I am sorry but those fiscally irresponsible have mostly been the Republicans. Look at the tax structure from the 50s and then look at it now. Yes, in the 50s I would say that the wealthy did carry too big of a burden but today they do not carry enough. Since Reagan this problem has just gotten worse. Trickle Down economics was a lie and it is still a lie today. We need common sense taxes. We need an economic policy were things trickle up. In the end a lot would still wind up with the rich but just think of all the good it would do on the way up.

On Jan. 6th 2021 a group of domestic terrorists attacked our Capital while it was in session. The purpose was to bring down a branch of our government so they could install an unelected man in the White House. They were told a lie that the election was stolen. They did hear the truth but they preferred the lie. The lying has continued to this day. There has to be accountability. What is more important our constitution or the lie?  Our democracy or the Republican Party? I hope you choose the Constitution and our Democracy.  If not please do not call yourself a patriot. I will write more on this as the Commission moves forward.

Then there is the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Without that everything else is thrown out the window. I have written more than once that the 2021 election may be the most important election in the history of our democracy. We really may be choosing between our Constitution and Democracy or Fascism and the American version of Apartheid. Voter suppression is a real thing just like white supremacy. This has nothing to do with voter fraud. There was no voter fraud. The laws that have been passed in some states and will probably be in other states are to suppress voting and also as I understand it gives some states the right to change the outcome of the vote if it is not to their liking. This is scary stuff.  If our democracy is going to survive our voting rights need to be protected.

I am afraid some of our Supreme Court has already been bought and paid for. For the United States to be a free democracy we need people to step up and help.


  1. I am losing all hope that we can keep our democracy in tact.

  2. NO MEMBERSHIPS FEE TO JOIN WELCOME TO ILLUMINATI SOCIETY were you can become rich and popular in your life, i am here to testify on how i became a member of the great Illuminati society, i was very poor no job and i had no money, i was confused in life i don't know what to do, so i came across the post about the Illuminati saying you can become rich in your life this is real , i told my self this is the only way to become rich, i contact agent Williams on WhatsApp and i explain everything to him he told me he will help and initiate me, definitely he told me they need some items that they are going to initiate me and i provideded them they told me to send them my home address and i did they told me the UPS is going to delivery me my benefit i said OK after that day i was afraid thinking and i call agent @Williams he told me to stay at home and i did within 24 hours time i saw some men with uniform and they told me they are here to delivery my package they did, i open it and i discover $7000Us dollars i immediately called agent Williams and he told me they are coming to pick me in 3 days time and they did i was invited to maitama's district were my initiation ceremony took place and all the members in the society give me the sum of $3000Us dollars and the Illuminati also give me an apartment that I never expected. He is the real Illuminati devil if you are interesting in joining this great Illuminati brotherhood you can WhatsApp him on +14096552473 or email him


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