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It is frustrating that voter suppression is still a problem in America. Having lived through the 60s and the civil rights movement and to see that we are returning to or have already returned to those days is heartbreaking. The great principle of “one voice, one vote” is not longer true. We even have the Supreme Court trying to tell us that their support of not supporting voter rights is not political like we are to believe that there is something that it in the Constitution which makes is ok to suppress voting. When the very tool that is supposes to protect our democracy is the tool that is being used to diminish our democracy we have a real problem.

Clarence Thomas has tried to convince the people that when he writes an opinion while sitting on the Supreme Court it is not a political opinion. I for one wish that was true but I for one know that is a lie. Yes, I do believe that a Supreme Court Justice can lie. Being a Conservative Judge in the first place is being part of a political movement. Now we do have Justices that they say are liberal. Being liberal is not a political movement. Being liberal is everything that is not part of the conservative movement today. Free thinking is now considered liberal. Wanting to save children’s lives has been called being a liberal. Wanting to improve education has been called liberal. Wanting good roads have been called liberal. Wanting to improve healthcare is called liberal. Just wanting to improve the standard of living for most people is called liberal. I have been called a libtard because of what I write and to be honest with you most of my political thinking comes from the being raised in a Republican household in the 50s. In reality we have conservatives and then everyone else. Those everyone else are now called liberals.

Voter suppression and racism has always gone hand in hand since the end of the Civil War. The Supreme Court has slowly stripped the Civil Rights Act from the 60s to almost the point is that we are back to where we started from. They have upheld voter suppression laws on Arizona and I also believe in Texas. The organization that should be all about protecting our rights is now a tool that helps take them away. Our vote is part of our voice. Our voice should be protected under the 1st amendment.  Voter suppression is meant to silence that voice. If I can think of that so can a Supreme Court Justice like Clarence Thomas. The Nazis used the courts to suppress people and to eliminate political opponents. When you have a political ideology running the courts that helps one political party suppress people then democracy is going to fail. If we keep going in the direction that we are going in our democracy is going to fail too.  

Gerrymandering is another popular way for one political party to suppress the vote and to help rig elections in their favor. Both parties have practiced gerrymandering but it is way more common in the Republicans than the Democrats. You draw district lines so that the minority gets the majority of the elected seats. That is what I would call cheating no matter who did it. This was brought to the Supreme Court and they wouldn’t ever hear it. The fact that a political party is trying to silence peoples votes and they would not even look at it. Our vote is part of our voice and the Supreme Court thought that it was not in their scope to protect my voice. In my opinion in reality they were saying the my voice was not protected under the 1st amendment. If my voice is not protected then whose is?

Are we heading to a situation where we have minority rule in the United States? I find the thought of that scary. We have already seen children put into cages. We have already seen people killed for just who they voted for. We have already seen the sterilization of immigrant women. We have witnessed a police execution. I have to wonder what kind of nation we are becoming. Maybe we should be giving that statue back to France because we no longer believe in what it represents.


  1. i refuse to use the term "Conservatives" to describe those on the Right... they are Regressives.


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