Education they say is the key to solving the world’s problem. I think that is a very true statement but, there has to be a but in there because education has been used to help create many of the world’s problems. Mike Pence was in Virginia at a Christian College railing against the Critical Race Theory which is not even a subject that is taught in any school system that I know of. I do not hear any Democrat out there even talking about Critical Race Theory but here is Mike Pence trying to make an issue out of it. Democrats talk about wanting equal justice and Mike Pence sounded like the Grand Wizard at a KKK rally. What is the KKK doing at a Christian College? Oh I forgot, the KKK was a Christian organization. You know that in the Gospel the only White People were the Roman Soldiers and Pontius Pilot. They were the oppressors, the bad guys but that may be a subject for its own posting.
Our education system can be used to teach students facts and how to think and research problems or they can be used to indoctrinate. I had a communication with a person that was educated in Germany and she stated that every student had to learn about the holocaust and her class even had to tour a concentration camp. That is a country that wants to make sure that it never happens again. We hide our history. I have read that as many as 60 million black African were killed by the White Christian Imperialism slavers. That is 10 time the number from the Jewish Holocaust. This is not something that we should be hiding. Like the Holocaust in Germany this too has to be taught. Not only should that be taught in our schools but it should also be taught in our churches so it doesn’t happen again. When one group of people feels that they are superior to another atrocities happen. If we are not careful atrocities will happen here.
Ted Cruz has said that teaching about race is trying to make you hate your race. Really? Is teaching about the Holocaust teaching German Children to hate their race? No it is teaching children so it doesn’t happen again. Education should be about truth and not indoctrination. People like Ted Cruz want to restrict the truths that are supposed to be taught in the schools. The Nazi’s did that in Germany to indoctrinate the youth to the superiority of the German people. The murder and slavery of non Germans was just fine to them. What is scary is maybe the murder and slavery of people here in America is just fine to some. There have been white people like Clive Bundy that have stated that blacks were better off as slaves. What that is telling me is that we have white people in America that believe the most ignorant white person is superior to the smartest black person. I am sure that it is just a small portion of the population but I will assure you that part of the population votes Republican and that is the part of the population that politicians like Ted Cruz are trying to fire up.
I use to think that when I vote I should be voting for the person that likes the same social programs that I like or has the same attitude on taxes that I have. That may have been true when we had liberal, moderates and conservatives in both parties but, that was long ago and not the case today. Today when you vote for a person you are voting for the party and the person’s name really doesn’t matter. Today if you vote for a Republican you are voting for the party of Trump. It is true for both parties but more so from the Republicans. The Republicans have really turned their backs on the constitution and the republic that it represents. The oath that they took means absolutely nothing to most of them. Do not even try and tell me that it is true about most Democrats too. When was the last time that a Democrat lost the presidential election and sent a mob to attack the Capitol. The lying and misinformation from the Republicans has weakened our democracy and only our enemies like Russia benefit. Under Trump Iran and North Korea both have been working on developing atomic weapons and it is probably too late to do anything about it short of war. He gave Afghanistan to the Taliban. Yes he did that. Who has benefited with all this garbage that has happened? I can tell you one group that did not benefit for it is the American People.
The Democrats try and come up with programs that will help the future on America and its people, you and I. The Republican comes up with hate. The Democrats have tried to work with the Republicans and the Republican comes up with hate. I see no programs that have helped that majority of Americans from the Republican Party. There is no compromise there is only hate. For the longest time I wanted to be able to vote for another Republican but I have now given up. I don’t understand why anyone would vote for the hate that they bring. We must treat every election as a referendum for our Democracy and Constitution against the Fascism and Apartheid that the Republicans now represent.
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