I am a day late with my update because I was driving back from Wisconsin back home from my 50th High School reunion. It was a good time and I wish I could have visited more with some of the people hadn’t seen in 30 years but you only have so much time before we all go our separate ways again. Maybe I will do a better job of contacting some of them in the future.
While I was in Wisconsin the neighboring state of Iowa was hosting a Donald Trump rally. You know those Hitler style rallies that they used to have in Germany that led to the killing of 6 million Jews and minorities. Those rallies that wanted to return Germany to greatness though the purity of the German blood. Many people have noted the similarities between the Trump rallies and the Nazi rallies. I personally find the similarities scary. The people that opposed Hitler were the enemy of the people. The people that oppose Trump are the enemy of the people. 45% of the people of Iowa voted for Biden. Are they all now enemies of the people?
At the rally in Iowa there was a call for another Civil War. Can you believe that? A Civil War? Who is going to fight who? Is it going to be white against black? Whites against all minorities? Are you going to exile every person that does not pledge allegiance to Trump? Are you going to replace the American Flag with something else? The branches of government, what will you do with those? The Constitution, what in the hell are you going to do with that? Use it as toilet paper? The army, what do you think that they are going to do? They all took an oath to defend the constitution of the United States. Do you think that all of them will just ignore that oath just like Trump has done? People that shout civil war do not have a clue what it would do to this country. Just look at any civil wars that have taken place in the rest of the world and tell me if you like the results. It I easy to shout civil war but it is harder to execute. It is even harder to build a country afterward. The people that shout”Civil War” are just making it easier for our enemies. China and Russia will watch the United States fall into chaos without having to fire a single shot. In reality, what you are doing is aiding our enemies. The weaker we get the stronger our enemies get. Why do people want a weakened United States? Instead of shouting Civil War maybe you ought to be looking at who would really benefit. If you are really honest with yourself you will realize that you won’t benefit.
There was a man that I read said that Jesus has spoken to put Trump back in the White House. Really? Jesus has spoken? To whom? Jesus that man that wanted his followers to give everything away and come follow him? He would want to put a Billionaire in the White House? Jesus, that said suffers the children not for they will inherit that earth? Would he want to man in the White House that separated children from their parents and put them in cages? Jesus, that man, when he was a child had to seek asylum with his whole family in Egypt? Would he endorse a man that will deny asylum to all those desperate people at the border? Have these people ever read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? You know the gospel? They invoke Jesus’ name where I am pretty sure he wouldn’t want his name it to be invoked with anything Trump. How much did you have to pay to get into that rally? When Jesus talked he didn’t charge a thing. He also fed the crowd for free. Can you imagine Trump doing anything for free?
The lying and misinformation from Trump, the Republicans and from the conservative news has to stop. If you do not see that it is weakening our democracy then you are part of the problem. The last four years under Trump has really weakened our democracy and do you know who wins with a weakened American Democracy? Putin, China, North Korea, Iran, everyone one of our enemies. The United States does not benefit and in the end you will not either.
Sounds like the same bologna they're selling down at the corner deli. Trumpets obviously are throwing a wrench in the cog of democracy just to see what happens and don't understand the consquences of doing that