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I was up in northern Wisconsin this weekend and here it is the beginning of October and the temperature was around 80 degrees. It is hard for me to fathom the temperature being that warm this time of year. Shorts and t-shirts were in order and I did not pack enough shorts. Normally you expect the temperature to be in the 50s this time of years with lows in the high 30s. Perfect bird hunting weather. Temperatures in the 80s and walking in the woods bird hunting is beach weather, not hunting weather. The fall colors were at their peak and it was beautiful. The weather was better for shooting a camera than shooting a gun. That was ok for me because I am not the world’s greatest hunter. I do love the bonding with my sons and grandson which is the most important part of our annual hunt. This is what the NRA used to be about and what they promoted the most. Not this anti government crap that they are selling now.

I have stated many times that the second amendment is the most twisted sentence in the Constitution. That is was never intended to be used the way it is being used today. It has been debated since it was ratified. I think that it is one of the most racist sentences in the Constitution. I know it doesn’t even mention race but you have to put yourself in the late 1700s to understand. What was legal in all colonies? Slavery was legal. The Constitution made provisions for raising an army so why did the States need a militia? Two things. One to protect themselves from a slave revolt. The other was to protect them from Non Slave States forcing their will on the Slave States. Armies are meant for the protection of a nation not militias and I think that our Founding Fathers knew that. That is why the right to bear arms was an added amendment and not part of the original Constitution. It was not until 2008 with the District of Columbia vs. Heller that the Supreme Court declared that it was also for personal protection. I do not know why they came up with that one because personal protection is not anywhere in the second amendment. Don’t tell me it is common sense because the issue was 232 years old.

I am a gun owner. I do believe that I have the right to protect my home. I have that right as a person not because the Constitution of the United States states it or doesn’t state it. Protect my home does not mean to stand outside some courthouse trying to intimidate people. The Second amendment was not put in there so local Para military groups can terrorize the citizens and local governments. It was not put there for White Supremacist groups can try and force minority rule on this nation. The Supreme Court should have been smart enough to know that. Reading the controversy that the 2nd amendment has created over the 200 plus years are an interesting read.  In Presser vs. Illinois the Supreme Court upheld the rights for States to regulate militias making these so called militias that we have today illegal under our Constitution. The National Guard is what replaced the well regulated State Militia because of their ineffectiveness in protecting our communities and States.

In my opinion the Supreme Court made this mess because some of its members have adopted a political ideology instead of what was intended by the Constitution. When you have a political ideology you are less likely to look for the truth because it may not fit you ideology. What we have today has nothing to do about a well regulated militia or even personal protection. What we have now is strictly about intimidation. That is why the word regulated was put there in the first place so it did not turn into a situation of intimidation.  These gun problems were always meant to be under civilian control by that meaning civilian government control. When the Supreme Court becomes a tool of the oppressor we have a real problem. When the Supreme Court becomes a tool of the anarchist we have an even bigger problem.

The need for a well regulated militia has long gone and our Constitution should be amended to reflect that. I know that it won’t be in my lifetime because bullying and intimidation is still a big part of American culture. Guns have been used more for bullying and suppression that than anything else. Just ask any minority.


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