Law and order. Those are the words we hear whenever a group of Black Lives Matter protestors march. Law and order. White people want law and order and Black protestors want justice. When I was younger I would have thought that was the same thing. As I have grown older I have learned that the two are much different. Law and order sometimes is suppression from justice. Oppressors are not really interested in justice. They are interested in order but not really the law. This is not going to be writing were I blast the police. The police are just a reflection of society itself. There are good people, there are bad people, there are dedicated people and there are lazy people and all kinds of other adjectives to describe all of us. It is the same with the police so let’s just leave that.
The first subpoenas have been issued by the January 6th commission to four of Trump’s top aides. Trumps Lawyers have sent the four a letter telling them to defy the subpoenas. How can we have law and order or even justice if we cannot get the testimony we need to make a judgment. How is this law and order? When any politician obstructs the truth in my opinion they are obstructing justice. I know that you have heard that people with nothing to hide do not obstruct the truth. For the most part I think that statement is true. What is Trump hiding? What has Trump been hiding all along? He has not been cooperative with any investigation and the Republicans have been running interference for him all this time. The Republican Party knew what a disaster the Trump Presidency would be before it happened and they all stated it early on. The digital evidence is there and will be there a hundred years from now. Our Democracy and Constitution should be the most important thing but to the Republican Party right now it does not appear that way. Party before country seems to be their battle cry!
On my way to my son’s house I drive through a lily white neighborhood and I always see a number of signs that say I back the badge. Believe it or not I do support the police especially the ones that take their job and oath of office seriously. The thing that I support the most is I support the Constitution of the United States. I know that every policeman takes an oath and part of that oath is to protect and defend the Constitution. I need to have one of the supporters of the police in the George Floyd murder explain how that police officer was upholding his oath. George Floyd had a right to a trial and that right was denied him. No policeman was in eminent danger. He had rights and those rights were denied him and every American that supports the Constitution should be outraged yet many are not. Our laws are defined by the Constitution, not by the police that wear a badge. When police become the law then we no longer have a democracy. We have a police state. How many more have had their Constitutional rights denied to them and how many have been unjustly punished because they did not have the financial means for a good defense. Our Justice system should be a search for the truth and not a search for a conviction. Guilty get punished but the innocent go free and that does not always happen. In fact it is all too common when it doesn’t happen.
Our democracy was attacked on Jan 6th by a group of domestic terrorist. In my opinion those terrorist were sent by the outgoing President of the United States, Donald Trump. Their goal was to bring down a branch of our government while that branch was performing their Constitutional duty. The terrorist wanted to install a non elected person to the White House. That is not Democracy. That is not believing in the Constitution. That is not law and order. That is not even backing the Badge. The Police that defended the Capital building that day were heroes protecting and defending our Constitution. The ones that have sent and defended the terrorist have broken their oath of office and should be removed from our government and be prosecuted. Every defender of democracy and every defender of the Constitution should be demanding that. I am. Why are you not? Patriots defend our Constitution and our Democracy. If you do not do those two things then you have no right to call yourself a Patriot.
As a nation we need accountability and justice more than we need law and order. In fact I believe you cannot have law and order without accountability and justice. Truth Justice and the American way should not just be a corny line from the Superman television show. If should be what all Americans are demanding. We are not a nation of law and order. We are a nation of Laws.
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