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Another week and another week of no accountability that I can see.  Trump is still spewing his big lies about the election being stolen and country seems more divided than ever. People are still getting sick and people are still dying. Michael Flynn is still preaching insurrection and Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert are still talking about blowing things up. Steven Bannon still has not been arrested. This is almost like that Bill Murray movie Ground Hog Day. The movie was entertaining but this is getting old and disgusting. It is very hard to be upbeat about the future of our country with everything that is going on.

On January 6th I was at the pool with my friend Larry when he got a call that the Capital Building was under attack. I went back to the condo and immediately turned on MSNBC to see what was going on. What I saw shocked me. Our own citizens attacking a branch of our government to try and overturn our election. As I was watching I was wondering where are the police in body armor?  Where are the SWAT teams?  Where is the National Guard?   If this had been a black protest there would have been all those things and more. You could just see that the Capital Police were just overwhelmed and outnumbered. This could not be happening in America but there it was right on live TV for the whole world to see. This was being broadcast worldwide. The Republicans can try and spin it anyway the want but the digital evidence will always be there. It has been almost 10 months now and the same lies that caused this in the first place are still being spewed but the same people that caused the insurrection.

Where is the justice? A Black woman, Crystal Mason in Texas was sentenced to 5 years in jail for voting by mistake. It was a provisional ballet that was never even counted. 5 years is a long time for something that didn’t harm anyone and didn’t even count. Now we have the Justice Department charging people with misdemeanors when their purpose was change an election. If they would have succeeded our Democracy may have failed. Their purpose was to install a non elected person in the White House. The people that wanted to destroy our democracy are getting off with just a slap on the wrist. There is a Texas realtor that participated in the Insurrection and she states that because she is a blonde, has white skin and a good job that she will not be going to jail. The woman should not only go to jail but she is also a racist. A black woman that votes by mistake and the vote never even counted gets 5 years. A White, Blonde women that wanted to destroy democracy says that she won’t go to jail because she is white and blonde. Someone has to tell me how that is not racism.

Why are blacks and whites not treated equally under the law? It cannot be about just money. A lot has to do with perception that one color is superior to another. We have judges on the bench that look at black people as being different and inferior to other people. Rutherford County in Tennessee has been falsely arresting Black children for a crime that doesn’t even exist. They call it “criminal responsibility for conduct of another”. That crime does not exist and they have been doing it for years. Donna Scott Davenport was the judge that illegally sentence 1500 children to detention centers. This was a for profit jail system that made money off these jailed children. Jailing black children for money is what I see. These are the prolife people that go to church every Sunday and talk about what good Christians that they are.  If this is not systematic racism I don’t know what is.

Racism is a huge problem in America that has woken with a vengeance with Trump. You could see the Racism from Trump in his attacks on Obama. He made White supremacy to be ok and brought it to mainstream America. I know that there are a lot of people that will argue with me. If you use the phrase “those People” you are using a racist phrase. It doesn’t matter whether you are talking about Blacks or Hispanics you are singling it down to a race when you start with “those people”. I have heard the phrase “spear chucker” twice in the last couple of months, sorry but racist. Racism brought the world the Holocaust. Racism brought us Slavery. Racism has brought terrible genocides on the people of this world.

We must always remember that racism and voter suppression have gone hand and hand historically. Don’t take my word for it. Look it up.


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